
    So, armatures have a third mode dedicated to the process of posing known as Pose Mode. In rest position (as edited in Edit Mode), each bone has its own position/rotation/scale to neutral values (i.e. 0.0 for position and rotation, and 1.0 for scale). Hence, when you edit a bone in Pose Mode, you create an offset in the transform properties, from its rest position. This may seem quite similar if you have worked with relative shape keys or .

    尽管可以用于完全静态的用途,但是姿态很大程度上是与动画特性和技巧相关的。所以如果一点不了解Blender中的动画,最好先看一下 动画章节 ,然后再回来阅读本节。

    • 灰色: 默认的。

    • 橙色: 用于无目标解器约束。

    当 颜色被启用时,状态颜色将被覆盖。