几何节点 属性节点 Capture Attribute NodeTransfer Attribute Node 颜色渐变节点混合节点Separate RGB Node Curve Length NodeCurve to Points NodeFillet Curve NodeReverse Curve NodeSubdivide Curve NodeCurve Handle Position NodeCurve Tilt NodeHandle Type Selection NodeSpline Length NodeSpline Resolution NodeSet Curve Tilt NodeSet Handle Type NodeSet Spline Resolution Node Curve Primitive Nodes Bézier Segment NodeCurve Spiral NodeQuadrilateral Node 几何节点 Convex Hull NodeGeometry Proximity NodeJoin Geometry NodeRaycast NodeSeparate Geometry NodeSet ID Node 输入节点 Collection Info NodeInteger Node材质输出节点Scene Time Node值节点Index Node位置节点ID Node Instance on Points NodeRotate Instances NodeTranslate Instances Node 材质节点 Material Index NodeSet Material Node 网格节点 Extrude Mesh NodeMesh Boolean NodeMesh to Points NodeSplit Edges NodeSubdivision Surface NodeEdge Angle NodeEdge Vertices NodeIs Shade Smooth NodeVertex Neighbors Node Mesh Primitive Nodes Cube NodeGrid NodeMesh Circle NodeUV Sphere Node 查看节点 Distribute Points on FacesPoints to Volume Node Text Nodes Replace String NodeSpecial Characters NodeString to Curves Node 纹理节点 棋盘格纹理节点图像纹理着色器节点马氏分形纹理着色器节点沃罗诺伊纹理着色器节点白噪波纹理节点 Accumulate Field NodeBoolean Math NodeCompare NodeFloat Curve映射范围节点Random Value Node切换节点 Combine XYZ Node矢量曲线节点矢量旋转节点 Volume to Mesh Node 制作节点组组输入