Mesh Line Node

    Mesh Line Node.

    The Mesh Line node generates vertices in a line and connects them with edges.


    Number of vertices on the line.


    Length of individual edges. The node tries to fit as many vertices as possible between the start and end point. The exact end point might not be hit. This is only available when the mode is set to End Points and the count mode is set to Resolution.

    Start Location

    Position of the first vertex.

    Controls the direction of the line and distance between the vertices. This is only available when the mode is set to Offset.

    End Location

    Position of the last vertex. This is only available when the mode is set to End Points.


    Inputs to use to control the line.


    Determines how the number of vertices is chosen. This is only available when the mode is set to End Points.

    • 数量

      Specify the total number of vertices.


      Specify the distance between vertices.


    Standard geometry output.