Create spray particles during the secondary particle simulation. Spray particles are those that appear to fly through the air above the liquid surface when there is a bigger splash.
Create foam particles during the secondary particle simulation. Foam particles are those that solely move on the liquid surface.
Create bubble particles during the secondary particle simulation. Bubble particles are those that move below the liquid surface.
Enabling a secondary particle type will also create a particle system for that type of particles. Disabling a particle type will delete this particle system including its settings.
Select particle types that should go into the same particle system. This option has no effect on the outcome of the simulation. It only changes the way particle systems are allocated in the particle settings.
Factor by which to enhance the resolution of the particle simulation. The scaling factor is coupled to the Resolution Divisions (i.e. the particle simulation is this times bigger than the base simulation).
Upper clamping threshold for marking fluid cells as wave crests. A higher value results in less marked cells.
Wave Crest Potential Minimum
Lower clamping threshold for marking fluid cells as wave crests. A lower value results in more marked cells.
Upper clamping threshold for marking fluid cells where air is trapped. A higher value results in less marked cells.
Trapped Air Potential Minimum
Lower clamping threshold for marking fluid cells where air is trapped. A lower value results in more marked cells.
Upper clamping threshold for marking fluid cells where air is trapped. A higher value results in less marked cells.
Kinetic Energy Potential Minimum
Lower clamping threshold that indicates the fluid speed where cells start to emit particles. A lower values result in generally more particles.
Radius to compute potential for each cell. Higher values are slower but create smoother potential grids.
Radius to compute position update for each particle. Higher values are slower but particles move less chaotic.
Maximum number of particles generated per wave crest cell per frame.
Trapper Air Particle Sampling
Maximum number of particles generated per trapped air cell per frame.
Highest possible particle lifetime.
Particle Life Minimum
Lowest possible particle lifetime.
Amount of buoyancy force that rises bubbles. A high value results in bubble movement mainly upwards.
Amount of drag force that moves bubbles along with the fluid. A high value results in bubble movement mainly along with the fluid.
Delete secondary particles that are inside obstacles or left the domain.
Push secondary particles that left the domain back into the domain.
Bake Particles, Free Particles
This option is only available when using the cache type.
The progress will be displayed in the status bar. Pressing Esc will pause the simulation.