Multicam Selector Strip




    在当前帧处剪切多机位片段并自动将 源通道 更改为所选通道。


    1. Tip

      To make syncing strips easier you can group cameras, their audio, and their effects together using .

    2. Split the editor into many Previews, one for each input track. Then change the of each of the previews to the channel number of the input track.

    3. 现在选择多机位片段,如果你查看片段选项(在侧栏内),你会注意到,多机位是一个相当简单的效果片段:它只需将选定的通道作为输入。这就是全部内容。它的神奇之处在于方便的键盘布局。

    4. 当选择多机位片段时, 1 到 9 键被映射到剪切按钮。因此,选择多机位片段并开始播放,并在观看各个摄像机时按下正确的输入键。

    In reality, it boils down to: watch a few seconds to see, what is coming, watch it again and do a rough cut using the number keys. Then fine-tune the placement by selecting the outer handles of two neighboring Multicam for A/B rolling.

    To improve playback performance enable Proxies.