To enable GPU rendering, go into the Preferences ‣ System ‣ Cycles Render Devices, and select either CUDA, OptiX, HIP, or Metal. Next, you must configure each scene to use GPU rendering in Properties ‣ Render ‣ Device.

    Blender supports different technologies to render on the GPU depending on the particular GPU manufacturer and operating system.


    With all GPU rendering technologies, is not supported.

    CUDA is supported on Windows and Linux and requires a Nvidia graphics cards with compute capability 3.0 and higher. To make sure your GPU is supported, see the with the compute capabilities and supported graphics cards.

    OptiX — NVIDIA

    OptiX is supported on Windows and Linux and requires a Nvidia graphics cards with compute capability 5.0 and higher and a driver version of at least 470. To make sure your GPU is supported, see the OptiX works best on RTX graphics cards with hardware ray tracing support (e.g. Turing and above).

    HIP — AMD

    HIP is supported on Windows and Linux and requires a AMD graphics card with the Vega, RDNA or newer architecture. Both discrete GPUs and APUs are supported.

    Supported GPUs include:

    Minimum driver versions:


    The Clip extension mode in the is not supported.

    oneAPI — Intel

    oneAPI is a computation library that is supported on Windows and Linux and requires a Intel® Arc™ graphics card with the Xe HPG architecture.

    Supported GPUs include:

    Minimum driver versions:

    Please refer to for more information about Intel graphics cards and their architectures.

    Metal — Apple (macOS)

    Metal is supported on Apple computers with Apple Silicon or AMD graphics cards. macOS 12.2 is required to use Metal with Apple Silicon while macOS 12.3 is required to use Metal with AMD graphics cards.


    are not supported in Metal.




    There may be multiple causes, but the most common one is that there is not enough memory on your graphics card. Typically, the GPU can only use the amount of memory that is on the GPU (see for more information). This is usually much smaller than the amount of system memory the CPU can access. With CUDA, OptiX, HIP and Metal devices, if the GPU memory is full Blender will automatically try to use system memory. This has a performance impact, but will usually still result in a faster render than using CPU rendering.


    可以。打开 用户设置 ‣ 系统 ‣ 计算设备面板 ,按需进行设置即可。


    通常来说,不行。每个GPU只能访问自己的显存,但是有些GPU可以与其它GPU共享显存。这可以通过遵循 跨设备分布式内存 中的步骤启用共享。

    What renders faster?

    取决于所使用的硬件。根据测试场景,不同的技术所需的计算时间也有差异。有关不同设备性能的最新信息,请浏览 Blender Open Data

    On Linux, depending on your GCC version you might get this error. See the for a list of supported GCC versions. There are two possible solutions to this error:


    如果安装了与安装的CUDA工具包版本兼容的较旧GCC,则可以使用它而不是默认编译器。这是通过在启动Blender时设置 环境变量来完成的。




    If the above is unsuccessful, delete the following line in :





    1. 检查最新的Blender版本(官方或 ) 是否支持您的显卡。

    2. 如果您自己构建Blender,请尝试下载并安装更新的CUDA开发人员工具包。


    Error: Out of memory



    使用较小的纹理分辨率是减少内存使用量的一种方法。比如,8k、4k、2k 和 1k 图像纹理分别占 256MB、64MB、16MB 和 4MB 的内存。

    NVIDIA OpenGL驱动与显示驱动程序失去连接


    CUDA 错误: 在 cuCtxSynchronize() 中的未知错误
