网格 数据块菜单 可以用来关联物体之间的数据。
顶点组可用于为一些操作提供群组或权重组。一个物体可以有多个权重组,并且可以在 权重绘制 模式,或者在 通过面板赋值。
更多信息见 顶点组。
形态键可用于从一个形状变换至另一个形状。更多信息见 形态键面板。
UV 贴图
UV映射用于将三维物体映射至二维平面,以确定纹理在三维物体中呈现的位置。不同的UV映射可用于不同的纹理。更多信息见 UV 贴图。
Color data can be applied directly to an object’s vertices rather than using a texture or a material. There are two modes to paint color attributes in. Use Vertex Paint mode to paint per face corner by enabling the paint mask in the header. This is useful to achieve sharp edges in the color attribute on low-poly assets. Alternatively use Sculpt mode to paint on a much higher vertex count.
To create a new Color Attribute select the plus icon next to the list of attributes. This action will open a pop-up with the following information.
The name of the Color Attribute which can be referenced elsewhere in Blender.
The associated part of the geometry that stores the attribute. See Attribute Domains for more information.
Color Attributes are stored per each corner of a face.
The data type to represent colors internally.
RGBA color with floating-point precision.
RGBA color with 8-bit precision.
The default color to fill for every element in the domain.
Color Attribute Specials
These are operators that are available in the menu to the right of the attribute list.
Duplicate Color Attribute
Face Map
Face Maps create custom gizmos to deform meshes by assigning faces to Face Maps. They can be used to rig quickly within Object Mode and without making complicated rigging setups. Face Maps are currently not fully implemented in Blender and require add-ons to take full advantage of this feature.
See also
An attribute is data stored per mesh element. Every attribute has a data type, domain and name. This panel only lists custom attributes which excludes all the built-in attributes like and other attributes like vertex groups.
See for more information.
在几何学中,法线是指垂直于某个元素的一个方向或者直线,该元素通常是一个三角形或面,但也可以是一条直线,曲线 上一点的切线,或者曲面上一点的相切面。法线有助于确定网格的着色方式。
更多信息见 。
更多信息见 。
网格物体,尤其是已建模为表示活体物体的网格,通常具有不是特别均匀的几何结构。如果物体需要 ,或者3D 打印之类的工作流程需要更简单几何形状,则可能导致问题。重构网格是一种使用更均匀的拓扑重建几何图形的技术。按照定义的分辨率,重构网格可以添加或删除拓扑量。重构网格对于 雕刻 尤其有用,可在初始形状基础上生成更好的拓扑。
更多信息见 。
可以有不同的自定义数据连接到网格物体,这些数据经常在软件内部被使用,也可以导出. . 查阅 几何数据 获取更多信息.