
    从摄像机的位置来渲染场景的全景视图,并使用等矩形投影,始终在 X 轴上渲染整个 360°,在 Y 轴上渲染 180°。

    此投影与用于世界着色器的环境纹理兼容,因此可用于渲染环境贴图。要匹配默认贴图,将摄像机对象旋转设置为 (90、 0、 -90) 或沿正 X 轴指向。这对应于使用默认环境纹理映射查看图像中心。

    Latitude Min, Max

    Limits of the vertical field of view angles.

    Longitude Min, Max


    鱼眼等距 镜头将最好地匹配真实相机。它提供镜头焦距和视场角度,并将传感器尺寸考虑在内。

    鱼眼等距 镜头并不对应于任何真实的镜头模型;它会提供一个圆形鱼眼,不考虑任何传感器信息,而是使用整个传感器。这是全圆顶投影的好镜头。




    Match a real world camera by specifying the coordinates of a 4th degree polynomial.

    The projection works as follows. Pixels in the image are mapped to positions \((x, y)\) on the camera sensor in mm. A position on the sensor is mapped to a direction with spherical coordinates \((1, \theta, \phi)\) in radians as follows:

    \[\begin{split}& r = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\\ & \theta = k_0 + k_1 r + k_2 r^2 + k_3 r^3 + k_4 r^4\\ & \phi = acos(x/r)\end{split}\]

    Incoming light from this direction is then projected onto the corresponding pixel.

    Render as if taking a photo of a reflective mirror ball. This can be useful in rare cases to compare with a similar photo taken to capture an environment.