至少有一个区块始终可见, 被称为主区块。它是编辑器中最重要的部分。
每个编辑器都有特定的用途,所以每个编辑器的主区块和附加区域的功能都是不一样的。更多信息见 章节中各编辑器对应文档。
标题栏是一个小的水平条带,位于区域的顶部或底部。 所有编辑器都有标题栏,用于容纳菜单和常用工具。 和按钮将随编辑器类型和所选物体和模式而改变。
在标题栏上 RMB 单击,显示一个带有几个选项的上下文菜单:
Toggles the visibility of the header. If a header is hidden, it can be made visible again by clicking or dragging the small arrow that appears at the top/bottom right of the editor.
切换 是否折叠。
Vertical/Horizontal Split
显示一条指示线用于选择分割的区域和位置,按 Tab 切换水平/垂直分割。
Maximize/Full Screen Area
参见 切换区域最大化。
Duplicate Area into New Window
See .
Close Area
Closes the area and replaces it with the expansion of a neighboring area.
A horizontal strip at the top or bottom of the editor (similar to the header) containing settings for the currently selected tool. Just like the header, it can be hidden and moved through its context menu.
is a region that allows tweaking an operator after running it. For example, if you just added a cube, you can use this region to tweak its size.
侧栏 (位于编辑器区域右侧),包含编辑器中物体与编辑器自身的设置 。 N 用于切换侧栏的可见性。
Some editors show a bar (on top/bottom of the editor area) that displays information about for example the active tool or operator.
A region can be scrolled vertically and/or horizontally by dragging it with the MMB. If the region has no zoom level, it can also be scrolled by using the Wheel while the mouse hovers over it.
Some regions, in particular animation timelines, have scrollbars with added control points to adjust the vertical or horizontal range of the region. These special scrollbars will have added widgets at the ends, as shown in the following image:
Scrollbars with zoom widgets.
This can be used to stretch or compress the range to show more or less detail within the available screen space. Simply drag one of the dots to either increase or decrease the displayed range. You can also quickly adjust both the horizontal and vertical range by dragging in the editor with Ctrl-MMB.
与 区域 一样,可以使用拖拽边界调整区块大小。
To hide a region, resize it down to nothing. A hidden region leaves a little arrow sign. LMB on this icon to make the region reappear.
The scale of certain regions (such as the Toolbar) can be changed by dragging inside them with Ctrl-MMB, or using NumpadPlus and NumpadMinus while hovering the mouse cursor over them. Press Home to reset the scale to the default.