Action Constraint 动作关系约束

    The underlying idea of the Action constraint is very similar to the one behind the Drivers, except that the former uses a whole action (i.e. multiple F-Curves of the same type), while the latter controls a single F-Curve of their “owner”…

    请注意,即使该约束接受 网格 操作类型,但只有 物体姿势约束 类型才会真正的工作(起作用),因为约束只能影响物体或骨骼的变换属性,而不能影响网格的形状。还要注意,只有物体变换(位置、旋转、缩放)受动作影响,如果动作包含其他关键帧属性它们将会被忽略的,作为约束不会影响那些属性。

    作为一个例子,让我们假设你已经定义了一个 物体 动作(它可以被指定给任何物体,甚至不指定物体),并通过 动作关系 约束已映射到你的自身,使目标在(0.0到2.0)范围内沿着它的X轴映射动作内容在其自身(0到100)帧范围内移动。这将意味着当目标的 X 属性为0.0时,自身将如同在链接动作的第0帧中一样;目标的 X 属性为1.0,自身将如同在链接动作的第50帧中一样。


    Target 目标

    数据ID used to select the constraints target, and is not functional (red state) when it has none. See for more information.


    This property allows objects to be driven without a constraint target by interpolating between the Action Start and End frames. The relative position between the start and end frame can be controlled using the value slider.

    This is very helpful for more complex rigging and mechanical rigs, as it means the Action constraint can be controlled directly with a Driver or .


    Specifies how the keyframed transformation from the action is combined with the existing transformation. These modes are the same as in the Copy Transforms constraint.

    • Before/After Original (Full)

      The keyframed transformation is added before/after the existing transformation, as if it was applied to an imaginary parent/child of the constraint owner. Scale is handled like in the most basic mode of bones, so combining non-uniform scale and rotation will create shear.

      Before/After Original (Aligned)

      The keyframed transformation is added before/after the existing transformation, as if it was applied to an imaginary parent/child of the constraint owner. Scale is handled like in the Aligned Inherit Scale mode of bones to avoid creating shear.

      Before/After Original (Split Channels)

      Combines location, rotation and scale components of the transformation separately, similar to a sequence of three , Copy Rotation and (with Offset) constraints bundled together in one operation; the result may be slightly different in case of sheared inputs.

      Unlike Aligned, in this mode location channels are simply added together, so rotation and scale components of the input transformations cannot affect the resulting location.


    For technical reasons modes other than After Original (Full) and After Original (Aligned) may not work as expected for constraints on objects (not bones) without a parent.


    Controls the percentage of affect the constraint has on the object. See common constraint properties for more information.



    Target 目标


    Range Min, Max




    • 当使用旋转属性作为”动作”时,这些值将”重新映射”到(180.0 到-180.0) 的范围。






    Object Action 物体动作

    当它启用时 仅仅 用于骨骼,此选项将使受约束的骨骼使用链接动作的“物体”部分,而不是“同样命名的姿势”部分。这允许你将物体的动作用应用于骨骼。




    • 这些值必须严格正数。

    • 当物体或骨骼已具有 动作约束时,应在所有其他约束之前添加使用新插帧操作的下一个约束,以便获得相同的最终组合变换。此事实不受混合模式的影响。

    • 与正常情况不同的是,你可以有 起始 的值高于 结束点 的值,或者 最小值 大于 最大值 的值:这将会翻转动作的映射关系(即将“播放”反转…),除非你们两套都显然颠倒了!

    • 当使用 约束 动作时,它是约束 通道 名称,用来决定自身的哪些约束应用于该动作。例如,如果你有一个约束通道命名为“trackto_empt1”,其键 影响起始/结束 值(唯一可以键入的)将被映射到的自身的约束命名为“trackto_empt1”那一个。

    • 同样,当使用 Pose(姿势) 动作时(这显然当它约束骨骼时才有意义和能够工作!),它是用来确定那一个来自动作的骨骼 channel’s names(通道名) 被使用。(例如,如果受约束的骨骼被命名为“手臂(arm)”,它将使用并且仅使用名为“手臂(arm)”的动作的骨骼通道…)。不幸的是,在整个骨架对象上使用 Pose 动作(一次影响动作中的所有关键骨骼)将不起作用…