

    This modifier needs a second mesh object, or collection of mesh objects, to be the target (the second operand) of the operation.


    只有 流形 网格保证能够给出正确的结果,而其他情况(特别是 “开放” 网格, 但是没有任何自交)通常会工作得很好,但是在某些情况下可能会出现奇怪的问题和伪像。


    在标记要显示边的物体后 (在 属性编辑器 ‣ 物体属性 ‣ 视图显示 , 启用 线框 ),在移动物体时, 可以看见边创建过程. 根据网状拓扑不同,还可以启用X射线和透明模式,并实时查看创建的拓扑结构。



    • 相交

      Everything inside both the target mesh and the modified mesh is kept. If the target is a collection, then only the inside of all meshes is kept.

      The target mesh or collection is added to the modified mesh, removing any interior faces.


      The target mesh, or collection of meshes, is subtracted from the modified mesh (everything outside of the target mesh or collection is kept).


    Choose the type of the operand (target).





    Algorithm used to calculate the Boolean intersections.

    • 快速

      Uses a mathematically simple solver which offers the best performance; however, this solver lacks support for overlapping geometry.


      Uses a mathematically complex solver which offers the best results and has full support for overlapping geometry; however, this solver is much slower than the Fast Solver.

    Self Intersection Exact Solver

    Correctly calculates cases when one or both operands have self-intersections, this involves more calculations making it slower.

    Hole Tolerant Exact Solver

    Optimizes the Boolean output for geometry at the cost of increased computational time. Because of the performance impact, this option should only be enabled when the Exact solver demonstrates errors with non-manifold geometry.

    Overlap Threshold Fast Solver

    Maximum distance between two faces to consider them as overlapping. This helps solve the limitation of this solver, if the Boolean result seems unexpected try using the exact solver.