
    • Improving the engine by fixing bugs, coding new features, or refining existing ones.

    • Translating the editor or documentation from English to other languages.

    You would like to contribute but you don’t know how or what to do? You can get answers below.

    The guides below explain how to contribute to the engine’s core. You will learn about the code style, the contribution workflow, and more.

    We always need help to improve the documentation, be it the class reference or the manual. Below, you can find our content and writing guidelines and concrete guides to make changes to the documentation.

    The pages below focus on the class reference.

    As the reference is included in the Godot editor, its source files are part of the godot repository. We use XML files to write it, so the process to contribute to the class reference differs from writing the online manual.

    The community is always working hard on making Godot and its documentation available to more people. Localizing the documentation is a colossal and ongoing effort you can be part of.