Tile library for tilemaps.
A TileSet is a library of tiles for a . It contains a list of tiles, each consisting of a sprite and optional collision shapes.
Tiles are referenced by a unique integer ID.
enum BitmaskMode:
enum AutotileBindings:
enum TileMode:
Determines when the auto-tiler should consider two different auto-tile IDs to be bound together.
Note: will be () when checking a tile against an empty neighbor tile.
- void autotile_clear_bitmask_map ( int id )
Clears all bitmask information of the autotile.
Returns the bitmask of the subtile from an autotile given its coordinates.
The value is the sum of the values in present in the subtile (e.g. a value of 5 means the bitmask has bindings in both the top left and top right).
- BitmaskMode autotile_get_bitmask_mode ( id ) const
Returns the BitmaskMode of the autotile.
- autotile_get_icon_coordinate ( int id ) const
Returns the subtile that’s being used as an icon in an atlas/autotile given its coordinates.
The subtile defined as the icon will be used as a fallback when the atlas/autotile’s bitmask information is incomplete. It will also be used to represent it in the TileSet editor.
- autotile_get_light_occluder ( int id, coord ) const
Returns the light occluder of the subtile from an atlas/autotile given its coordinates.
- NavigationPolygon autotile_get_navigation_polygon ( id, Vector2 coord ) const
Returns the navigation polygon of the subtile from an atlas/autotile given its coordinates.
- autotile_get_size ( int id ) const
Returns the size of the subtiles in an atlas/autotile.
- autotile_get_spacing ( int id ) const
Returns the spacing between subtiles of the atlas/autotile.
- autotile_get_subtile_priority ( int id, coord )
Returns the priority of the subtile from an autotile given its coordinates.
When more than one subtile has the same bitmask value, one of them will be picked randomly for drawing. Its priority will define how often it will be picked.
Returns the drawing index of the subtile from an atlas/autotile given its coordinates.
- void autotile_set_bitmask ( id, Vector2 bitmask, flag )
Sets the bitmask of the subtile from an autotile given its coordinates.
The value is the sum of the values in AutotileBindings present in the subtile (e.g. a value of 5 means the bitmask has bindings in both the top left and top right).
- void autotile_set_bitmask_mode ( id, BitmaskMode mode )
Sets the of the autotile.
- void autotile_set_icon_coordinate ( int id, coord )
Sets the subtile that will be used as an icon in an atlas/autotile given its coordinates.
The subtile defined as the icon will be used as a fallback when the atlas/autotile’s bitmask information is incomplete. It will also be used to represent it in the TileSet editor.
Sets the light occluder of the subtile from an atlas/autotile given its coordinates.
- void autotile_set_navigation_polygon ( id, NavigationPolygon navigation_polygon, coord )
Sets the navigation polygon of the subtile from an atlas/autotile given its coordinates.
- void autotile_set_size ( int id, size )
Sets the size of the subtiles in an atlas/autotile.
- void autotile_set_spacing ( int id, spacing )
Sets the spacing between subtiles of the atlas/autotile.
Sets the priority of the subtile from an autotile given its coordinates.
When more than one subtile has the same bitmask value, one of them will be picked randomly for drawing. Its priority will define how often it will be picked.
- void autotile_set_z_index ( id, Vector2 coord, z_index )
Sets the drawing index of the subtile from an atlas/autotile given its coordinates.
- void clear ( )
Clears all tiles.
- void create_tile ( int id )
Creates a new tile with the given ID.
- find_tile_by_name ( String name ) const
Returns the first tile matching the given name.
- get_last_unused_tile_id ( ) const
Returns the ID following the last currently used ID, useful when creating a new tile.
- Array get_tiles_ids ( ) const
Returns an array of all currently used tile IDs.
- void remove_tile ( id )
Removes the given tile ID.
- void tile_add_shape ( int id, shape, Transform2D shape_transform, one_way=false, Vector2 autotile_coord=Vector2( 0, 0 ) )
Adds a shape to the tile.
- tile_get_light_occluder ( int id ) const
Returns the tile’s light occluder.
- tile_get_material ( int id ) const
Returns the tile’s material.
- tile_get_modulate ( int id ) const
Returns the tile’s modulation color.
- tile_get_name ( int id ) const
Returns the tile’s name.
- tile_get_navigation_polygon ( int id ) const
Returns the navigation polygon of the tile.
- tile_get_navigation_polygon_offset ( int id ) const
Returns the offset of the tile’s navigation polygon.
- tile_get_normal_map ( int id ) const
Returns the tile’s normal map texture.
Returns the offset of the tile’s light occluder.
- tile_get_region ( int id ) const
Returns the tile sub-region in the texture.
- tile_get_shape ( int id, shape_id ) const
Returns a tile’s given shape.
- int tile_get_shape_count ( id ) const
Returns the number of shapes assigned to a tile.
Returns the offset of a tile’s shape.
- tile_get_shape_one_way ( int id, shape_id ) const
Returns the one-way collision value of a tile’s shape.
- tile_get_shape_transform ( int id, shape_id ) const
Returns the Transform2D of a tile’s shape.
- tile_get_shapes ( int id ) const
Returns an array of dictionaries describing the tile’s shapes.
Dictionary structure in the array returned by this method:
- tile_get_texture ( int id ) const
Returns the tile’s texture.
- tile_get_texture_offset ( int id ) const
Returns the texture offset of the tile.
- tile_get_tile_mode ( int id ) const
Returns the tile’s .
- int tile_get_z_index ( id ) const
Returns the tile’s Z index (drawing layer).
- void tile_set_light_occluder ( int id, light_occluder )
Sets a light occluder for the tile.
- void tile_set_material ( int id, material )
Sets the tile’s material.
- void tile_set_modulate ( int id, color )
Sets the tile’s modulation color.
Note: Modulation is performed by setting the tile’s vertex color. To access this in a shader, use rather than (which instead accesses the TileMap‘s property).
- void tile_set_name ( int id, name )
Sets the tile’s name.
- void tile_set_navigation_polygon ( int id, navigation_polygon )
Sets the tile’s navigation polygon.
- void tile_set_navigation_polygon_offset ( int id, navigation_polygon_offset )
Sets an offset for the tile’s navigation polygon.
- void tile_set_normal_map ( int id, normal_map )
Sets the tile’s normal map texture.
Note: Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See this page for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.
- void tile_set_occluder_offset ( id, Vector2 occluder_offset )
Sets an offset for the tile’s light occluder.
- void tile_set_region ( id, Rect2 region )
Sets the tile’s sub-region in the texture. This is common in texture atlases.
- void tile_set_shape ( id, int shape_id, shape )
Sets a shape for the tile, enabling collision.
Sets the offset of a tile’s shape.
- void tile_set_shape_one_way ( id, int shape_id, one_way )
Enables one-way collision on a tile’s shape.
- void tile_set_shape_transform ( id, int shape_id, shape_transform )
Sets a Transform2D on a tile’s shape.
- void tile_set_shapes ( id, Array shapes )
Sets an array of shapes for the tile, enabling collision.
- void tile_set_texture ( id, Texture texture )
Sets the tile’s texture.
- void tile_set_texture_offset ( id, Vector2 texture_offset )
Sets the tile’s texture offset.
- void tile_set_tile_mode ( id, TileMode tilemode )
- void tile_set_z_index ( id, int z_index )
Sets the tile’s drawing index.