2D navigation and pathfinding node.
Deprecated. node and are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use Navigation2DServer.map_get_path instead.
Navigation2D provides navigation and pathfinding within a 2D area, specified as a collection of resources. By default, these are automatically collected from child NavigationPolygonInstance nodes.
- float cell_size
The XY plane cell size to use for fields.
- edge_connection_margin
This value is used to detect the near edges to connect compatible regions.
A bitfield determining all navigation map layers the navigation can use on a get_simple_path path query.
Method Descriptions
- Vector2 get_closest_point ( to_point ) const
Returns the navigation point closest to the point given. Points are in local coordinate space.
- RID get_closest_point_owner ( to_point ) const
Returns the owner of the NavigationPolygon which contains the navigation point closest to the point given. This is usually a .
- RID get_rid ( ) const
Returns the object’s .
- PoolVector2Array get_simple_path ( start, Vector2 end, optimize=true ) const
Returns the path between two given points. Points are in local coordinate space. If optimize
is (the default), the path is smoothed by merging path segments where possible.