
    Deprecated. Animation player that uses a node graph for blending animations. Superseded by AnimationTree.

    Deprecated. A node graph tool for blending multiple animations bound to an AnimationPlayer. Especially useful for animating characters or other skeleton-based rigs. It can combine several animations to form a desired pose.

    It takes s from an AnimationPlayer node and mixes them depending on the graph.

    See for a more full-featured replacement of this node.




    add_node ( type, String id )


    ( float delta )

    animation_node_get_animation ( id ) const


    ( String id ) const

    animation_node_get_position ( id ) const


    animation_node_set_animation ( id, Animation animation )


    ( String id, path, bool enable )


    ( String id, source )


    ( String id, dst_id, int dst_input_idx ) const

    blend2_node_get_amount ( id ) const


    blend2_node_set_amount ( id, float blend )


    ( String id, path, bool enable )

    blend3_node_get_amount ( id ) const


    blend3_node_set_amount ( id, float blend )

    blend4_node_get_amount ( id ) const


    blend4_node_set_amount ( id, Vector2 blend )

    connect_nodes ( id, String dst_id, dst_input_idx )


    disconnect_nodes ( id, int dst_input_idx )

    get_node_list ( )

    mix_node_get_amount ( id ) const


    mix_node_set_amount ( id, float ratio )

    node_exists ( node ) const


    ( String id ) const

    node_get_input_source ( id, int idx ) const

    node_get_position ( id ) const


    ( String id ) const

    node_rename ( node, String new_name )


    ( String id, screen_position )


    ( String id ) const

    oneshot_node_get_autorestart_random_delay ( id ) const


    ( String id ) const


    ( String id ) const

    oneshot_node_is_active ( id ) const


    oneshot_node_set_autorestart ( id, bool enable )


    ( String id, delay_sec )


    oneshot_node_set_autorestart_random_delay ( id, float rand_sec )


    ( String id, time_sec )


    oneshot_node_set_fadeout_time ( id, float time_sec )


    ( String id, path, bool enable )


    ( String id )


    ( String id )


    ( )


    remove_node ( id )


    reset ( )

    timescale_node_get_scale ( id ) const


    timescale_node_set_scale ( id, float scale )


    ( String id, seconds )


    transition_node_delete_input ( id, int input_idx )

    transition_node_get_current ( id ) const


    ( String id ) const

    transition_node_get_xfade_time ( id ) const


    ( String id, input_idx ) const


    transition_node_set_current ( id, int input_idx )


    ( String id, input_idx, bool enable )


    ( String id, count )


    transition_node_set_xfade_time ( id, float time_sec )

    enum NodeType:

    • NODE_OUTPUT = 0 —- Output node.

    • NODE_ANIMATION = 1 —- Animation node.

    • NODE_ONESHOT = 2 —- OneShot node.

    • NODE_MIX = 3 —- Mix node.

    • NODE_BLEND2 = 4 —- Blend2 node.

    • NODE_BLEND3 = 5 —- Blend3 node.

    • NODE_BLEND4 = 6 —- Blend4 node.

    • NODE_TIMESCALE = 7 —- TimeScale node.

    • NODE_TIMESEEK = 8 —- TimeSeek node.

    • NODE_TRANSITION = 9 —- Transition node.

    enum AnimationProcessMode:

    • ANIMATION_PROCESS_PHYSICS = 0 —- Process animation during the physics process. This is especially useful when animating physics bodies.

    • ANIMATION_PROCESS_IDLE = 1 —- Process animation during the idle process.

    Property Descriptions

    • active

    If true, the AnimationTreePlayer is able to play animations.







    The node from which to relatively access other nodes.

    It accesses the bones, so it should point to the same node the would point its Root Node at.

    The path to the from which this AnimationTreePlayer binds animations to animation nodes.

    Once set, Animation nodes can be added to the AnimationTreePlayer.

    • playback_process_mode







    The thread in which to update animations.

    • void add_node ( type, String id )

    Adds a type node to the graph with name id.

    • void advance ( delta )

    Shifts position in the animation timeline. delta is the time in seconds to shift. Events between the current frame and delta are handled.

    Returns the AnimationPlayer‘s bound to the AnimationTreePlayer‘s animation node with name id.

    • String animation_node_get_master_animation ( id ) const

    Returns the name of the master_player‘s bound to this animation node.

    • float animation_node_get_position ( id ) const

    Returns the absolute playback timestamp of the animation node with name id.

    • void animation_node_set_animation ( String id, animation )

    Binds a new Animation from the to the AnimationTreePlayer‘s animation node with name id.

    • void animation_node_set_filter_path ( String id, path, bool enable )

    If is true, the animation node with ID id turns off the track modifying the property at path. The modified node’s children continue to animate.

    • void animation_node_set_master_animation ( id, String source )

    Binds the named source from master_player to the animation node id. Recalculates caches.

    • are_nodes_connected ( String id, dst_id, int dst_input_idx ) const

    Returns whether node id and dst_id are connected at the specified slot.

    • blend2_node_get_amount ( String id ) const

    Returns the blend amount of a Blend2 node given its name.

    • void blend2_node_set_amount ( id, float blend )

    Sets the blend amount of a Blend2 node given its name and value.

    A Blend2 node blends two animations (A and B) with the amount between 0 and 1.

    At 0, output is input A. Towards 1, the influence of A gets lessened, the influence of B gets raised. At 1, output is input B.

    • void blend2_node_set_filter_path ( id, NodePath path, enable )

    If enable is true, the Blend2 node with name id turns off the track modifying the property at path. The modified node’s children continue to animate.

    • float blend3_node_get_amount ( id ) const

    Returns the blend amount of a Blend3 node given its name.

    • void blend3_node_set_amount ( String id, blend )

    Sets the blend amount of a Blend3 node given its name and value.

    A Blend3 Node blends three animations (A, B-, B+) with the amount between -1 and 1.

    At -1, output is input B-. From -1 to 0, the influence of B- gets lessened, the influence of A gets raised and the influence of B+ is 0. At 0, output is input A. From 0 to 1, the influence of A gets lessened, the influence of B+ gets raised and the influence of B+ is 0. At 1, output is input B+.

    • Vector2 blend4_node_get_amount ( id ) const

    Returns the blend amount of a Blend4 node given its name.

    • void blend4_node_set_amount ( String id, blend )

    Sets the blend amount of a Blend4 node given its name and value.

    A Blend4 Node blends two pairs of animations.

    The two pairs are blended like Blend2 and then added together.

    • Error connect_nodes ( id, String dst_id, dst_input_idx )

    Connects node id to dst_id at the specified input slot.

    • void disconnect_nodes ( String id, dst_input_idx )

    Disconnects nodes connected to id at the specified input slot.

    Returns a containing the name of all nodes.

    • float mix_node_get_amount ( id ) const

    Returns the mix amount of a Mix node given its name.

    • void mix_node_set_amount ( String id, ratio )

    Sets the mix amount of a Mix node given its name and value.

    A Mix node adds input b to input a by the amount given by ratio.

    • bool node_exists ( node ) const

    Check if a node exists (by name).

    • int node_get_input_count ( id ) const

    Returns the input count for a given node. Different types of nodes have different amount of inputs.

    • String node_get_input_source ( id, int idx ) const

    Returns the input source for a given node input.

    • node_get_position ( String id ) const

    Returns position of a node in the graph given its name.

    • node_get_type ( String id ) const

    Gets the node type, will return from enum.

    Renames a node in the graph.

    • void node_set_position ( id, Vector2 screen_position )

    Sets the position of a node in the graph given its name and position.

    • oneshot_node_get_autorestart_delay ( String id ) const

    Returns the autostart delay of a OneShot node given its name.

    Returns the autostart random delay of a OneShot node given its name.

    • oneshot_node_get_fadein_time ( String id ) const

    Returns the fade in time of a OneShot node given its name.

    • oneshot_node_get_fadeout_time ( String id ) const

    Returns the fade out time of a OneShot node given its name.

    • oneshot_node_has_autorestart ( String id ) const

    Returns whether a OneShot node will auto restart given its name.

    • oneshot_node_is_active ( String id ) const

    Returns whether a OneShot node is active given its name.

    • void oneshot_node_set_autorestart ( id, bool enable )

    Sets the autorestart property of a OneShot node given its name and value.

    • void oneshot_node_set_autorestart_delay ( id, float delay_sec )

    Sets the autorestart delay of a OneShot node given its name and value in seconds.

    • void oneshot_node_set_autorestart_random_delay ( id, float rand_sec )

    Sets the autorestart random delay of a OneShot node given its name and value in seconds.

    • void oneshot_node_set_fadein_time ( id, float time_sec )

    Sets the fade in time of a OneShot node given its name and value in seconds.

    • void oneshot_node_set_fadeout_time ( id, float time_sec )

    Sets the fade out time of a OneShot node given its name and value in seconds.

    • void oneshot_node_set_filter_path ( id, NodePath path, enable )

    If enable is true, the OneShot node with ID id turns off the track modifying the property at path. The modified node’s children continue to animate.

    • void oneshot_node_start ( String id )

    Starts a OneShot node given its name.

    • void oneshot_node_stop ( id )

    Stops the OneShot node with name id.

    • void recompute_caches ( )

    Manually recalculates the cache of track information generated from animation nodes. Needed when external sources modify the animation nodes’ state.

    • void remove_node ( String id )

    Removes the animation node with name id.

    • void reset ( )

    Resets this .

    • timescale_node_get_scale ( String id ) const

    Returns the time scale value of the TimeScale node with name id.

    • void timescale_node_set_scale ( id, float scale )

    Sets the time scale of the TimeScale node with name id to scale.

    The TimeScale node is used to speed s up if the scale is above 1 or slow them down if it is below 1.

    If applied after a blend or mix, affects all input animations to that blend or mix.

    • void timeseek_node_seek ( String id, seconds )

    Sets the time seek value of the TimeSeek node with name id to seconds.

    This functions as a seek in the Animation or the blend or mix of s input in it.

    • void transition_node_delete_input ( String id, input_idx )

    Deletes the input at input_idx for the transition node with name id.

    • int transition_node_get_current ( id ) const

    Returns the index of the currently evaluated input for the transition node with name id.

    • int transition_node_get_input_count ( id ) const

    Returns the number of inputs for the transition node with name id. You can add inputs by right-clicking on the transition node.

    • float transition_node_get_xfade_time ( id ) const

    Returns the cross fade time for the transition node with name id.

    • bool transition_node_has_input_auto_advance ( id, int input_idx ) const

    Returns true if the input at input_idx on the transition node with name id is set to automatically advance to the next input upon completion.

    • void transition_node_set_current ( id, int input_idx )

    The transition node with name id sets its current input at input_idx.

    • void transition_node_set_input_auto_advance ( id, int input_idx, enable )

    The transition node with name id advances to its next input automatically when the input at input_idx completes.

    • void transition_node_set_input_count ( String id, count )

    The transition node with name id sets its cross fade time to time_sec.