Getting the source

    The source code is available on and while you can manually download it via the website, in general you want to do it via the version control system.

    If you are compiling in order to make contributions or pull requests, you should follow the instructions from the Pull Request workflow.

    In general, you need to install git and/or one of the various GUI clients.

    Afterwards, to get the latest development version of the Godot source code (the unstable master branch), you can use git clone.

    For any stable release, visit the and click on the link for the release you want. You can then download and extract the source from the download link on the page.

    With git, you can also clone a stable release by specifying its branch or tag after the --branch (or just -b) argument:

    1. # Clone the `3.2.3-stable` tag. This is a fixed revision that will never change.

    After downloading the Godot source code, you can continue to compiling Godot.