Physics properties


    By default, a single Blender object with rigid body enabled will export as three nodes: a PhysicsBody, a CollisionShape, and a MeshInstance.

    Blender only has the concept of “Active” and “Passive” rigid bodies. These turn into Static and RigidBody nodes. To create a kinematic body, enable the “animated” checkbox on an “Active” body:

    Many of the parameters for collision shapes are missing from Blender, and many of the collision shapes are also not present. However, almost all of the options in Blender’s rigid body collision and rigid body dynamics interfaces are supported:


    There are the following caveats:


    To build compound physics shapes, parent together multiple objects with rigid body enabled. The physics properties are taken from the parent-most rigid body, and the rest are used as collision shapes.

    Frequently you want different geometry for your collision meshes and your graphical meshes, but by default, the exporter will export a mesh along with the collision shape. To only export the collision shape, set the object’s maximum draw type to Wire: