
    Mesh type that provides utility for constructing a surface from arrays.

    The is used to construct a Mesh by specifying the attributes as arrays.

    The most basic example is the creation of a single triangle:

    The is ready to be added to the SceneTree to be shown.

    See also , MeshDataTool and for procedural geometry generation.

    Note: Godot uses clockwise winding order for front faces of triangle primitive modes.



    enum ArrayType:

    • ARRAY_VERTEX = 0 —- PoolVector3Array, , or Array of vertex positions.

    • ARRAY_NORMAL = 1 —- of vertex normals.

    • ARRAY_TANGENT = 2 —- PoolRealArray of vertex tangents. Each element in groups of 4 floats, first 3 floats determine the tangent, and the last the binormal direction as -1 or 1.

    • ARRAY_COLOR = 3 —- of vertex colors.

    • ARRAY_TEX_UV = 4 —- PoolVector2Array for UV coordinates.

    • ARRAY_TEX_UV2 = 5 —- for second UV coordinates.

    • ARRAY_BONES = 6 —- PoolRealArray or of bone indices. Each element in groups of 4 floats.

    • ARRAY_INDEX = 8 —- PoolIntArray of integers used as indices referencing vertices, colors, normals, tangents, and textures. All of those arrays must have the same number of elements as the vertex array. No index can be beyond the vertex array size. When this index array is present, it puts the function into “index mode,” where the index selects the *i*‘th vertex, normal, tangent, color, UV, etc. This means if you want to have different normals or colors along an edge, you have to duplicate the vertices.

    For triangles, the index array is interpreted as triples, referring to the vertices of each triangle. For lines, the index array is in pairs indicating the start and end of each line.

    • ARRAY_MAX = 9 —- Represents the size of the enum.

    enum ArrayFormat:

    • ARRAY_FORMAT_VERTEX = 1 —- Array format will include vertices (mandatory).

    • ARRAY_FORMAT_NORMAL = 2 —- Array format will include normals.

    • ARRAY_FORMAT_TANGENT = 4 —- Array format will include tangents.

    • ARRAY_FORMAT_COLOR = 8 —- Array format will include a color array.

    • ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV = 16 —- Array format will include UVs.

    • ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV2 = 32 —- Array format will include another set of UVs.

    • ARRAY_FORMAT_BONES = 64 —- Array format will include bone indices.

    • ARRAY_FORMAT_WEIGHTS = 128 —- Array format will include bone weights.

    • ARRAY_FORMAT_INDEX = 256 —- Index array will be used.


    • ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE = 4 —- Amount of weights/bone indices per vertex (always 4).

    Sets the blend shape mode to one of .

    Overrides the with one defined by user for use with frustum culling. Especially useful to avoid unexpected culling when using a shader to offset vertices.

    Method Descriptions

    • void add_blend_shape ( name )

    Adds name for a blend shape that will be added with add_surface_from_arrays. Must be called before surface is added.

    Creates a new surface.

    Surfaces are created to be rendered using a , which may be any of the types defined in . (As a note, when using indices, it is recommended to only use points, lines, or triangles.) Mesh.get_surface_count will become the surf_idx for this new surface.

    The arrays argument is an array of arrays. See for the values used in this array. For example, arrays[0] is the array of vertices. That first vertex sub-array is always required; the others are optional. Adding an index array puts this function into “index mode” where the vertex and other arrays become the sources of data and the index array defines the vertex order. All sub-arrays must have the same length as the vertex array or be empty, except for ARRAY_INDEX if it is used.

    • void clear_blend_shapes ( )

    Removes all blend shapes from this ArrayMesh.

    • void clear_surfaces ( )

    Removes all surfaces from this .

    • get_blend_shape_count ( ) const

    Returns the number of blend shapes that the ArrayMesh holds.

    • String get_blend_shape_name ( index ) const

    Returns the name of the blend shape at this index.

    • Error lightmap_unwrap ( transform, float texel_size )

    Will perform a UV unwrap on the ArrayMesh to prepare the mesh for lightmapping.

    • void regen_normalmaps ( )

    Will regenerate normal maps for the ArrayMesh.

    • void set_blend_shape_name ( index, String name )

    • surface_find_by_name ( String name ) const

    Returns the index of the first surface with this name held within this ArrayMesh. If none are found, -1 is returned.

    • surface_get_array_index_len ( int surf_idx ) const

    Returns the length in indices of the index array in the requested surface (see ).

    • int surface_get_array_len ( surf_idx ) const

    Returns the length in vertices of the vertex array in the requested surface (see add_surface_from_arrays).

    • surface_get_format ( int surf_idx ) const

    Returns the format mask of the requested surface (see ).

    • String surface_get_name ( surf_idx ) const

    Gets the name assigned to this surface.

    Returns the primitive type of the requested surface (see add_surface_from_arrays).

    • void surface_remove ( surf_idx )

    Removes a surface at position , shifting greater surfaces one surf_idx slot down.

    • void surface_set_name ( int surf_idx, name )

    Sets a name for a given surface.

    Updates a specified region of mesh arrays on the GPU.