
    Grid container used to arrange Control-derived children in a grid like layout.

    GridContainer will arrange its Control-derived children in a grid like structure, the grid columns are specified using the property and the number of rows will be equal to the number of children in the container divided by the number of columns. For example, if the container has 5 children, and 2 columns, there will be 3 rows in the container.

    Notice that grid layout will preserve the columns and rows for every size of the container, and that empty columns will be expanded automatically.

    Note: GridContainer only works with child nodes inheriting from Control. It won’t rearrange child nodes inheriting from Node2D.


    Theme Properties

    • columns

    The number of columns in the GridContainer. If modified, reorders its Control-derived children to accommodate the new layout.

    Theme Property Descriptions

    • hseparation

    The horizontal separation of children nodes.

    • int vseparation

    The vertical separation of children nodes.