
    它可以通过 坐标、 Delta 坐标、 方向 坐标以及相对于其当前位置或 活动 顶点或对象来放置光标。


    它可以通过 绝对 坐标、 三角 坐标、 方向 坐标以及相对于其当前位置或 活动 顶点或对象来放置游标。

    该操作涉及到 移动 几何体,或根据各种操作符移动对象。几何体可以通过 “绝对 坐标三角 坐标、 坐标移动。在编辑模式下,选定的几何体被移动,在对象模式下选定的对象被移动。

    Example 1: Move selected geometry 0.8 units at 34 degrees in front view, Set Operation to Move, set Working Plane to Front(X-Z), set Distance to 0.8, set angle to 34, select geometry, click Direction button.



    这个操作涉及到根据各种运算符放置一个 新顶点 ,新顶点被设置为选定的,这样它就可以被操作了。

    Example 1: Place a New Vertex and the intersection of two edges, set Operation to New Vertex, set Working Plane to Front(X-Z), select two edges, click Intersect button.


    这个操作只 挤出 所选几何体的顶点,所以如果你选择一个面,并使用这个操作,只有面的顶点会被挤出。这也可以用来围绕一个路径 追逐 一个顶点,例如一个复杂支架的边缘。

    例子1 : 挤出一个面的顶点,设置操作为 挤出顶点 ,选择该面,设置一些三角偏移,点击 三角 按钮。




    This operation will Split edges according to the operator you use. It will result in the face having one more vertex per operation, so a quad becomes a 5 sided Ngon. This initial split point is halfway along the chosen edge(s). If the system detects that you are going to split connecting edges of a face, which would ruin the topology, an error is given and the operation does not complete.

    例子1 : 在一个面的边上分割25%,将操作设置为 ,将百分比设置为25,选择一条边,点击 百分比 按钮。

    Example 2: Split two edges of an extruded prism and move the split 0.8 in X, 0.4 in Z, set Operation to Split, set Working Plane to Front(X-Z), set X to 0.8 & Z to 0.4, select two edges, click Delta button.



    Example 1: Duplicate selected geometry 3 units at 78 degrees in front view, set Operation to Duplicate Geometry, set working plane to Front(X-Z), set Distance to 3 & Angle to 78, click Direction button.



    这个操作将 挤出 的几何体,不仅仅是像挤出顶点那样挤出顶点,而且还有面和边。

    Example 1: Extrude selected face 1 in X, 0.5 in Y and 0.6 in Z, set Operation to Extrude Geometry, set Working Plane to Front(X-Z), set X, Y & Z to 1,0.5,0.6 respectively, click button.