Particle materials

    Materials define how the expanded shape should be rendered. They defines color, textures, and other parameters.

    Particle materials are simplified versions of . There is only one type of material currently, the Dynamic Emissive material.

    This material uses a translucent emissive color RGBA for the pixel shading. In HDR rendering mode, the values are used as intensity, and can be higher than 1.

    The flipbook animation considers a texture a sequence of frames and displays it one frame at a time, like a flipbook.

    This image is an example of a 4x4 flipbook animation texture of an explosion:


    UV Coords — Scrolling

    The scrolling animation defines a starting rectangle for the billboard or quad, which moves across the texture to its end position. This creates a scrolling or a scaling effect of the texture across the quad's surface.

    The texture coordinates can go below 0 or above 1. How the texture is sampled depends on the addressing mode defined in the material maps. For more information, see the .

    See also