Particle spawners

    Particle spawners control when, how many, and how quickly particles are emitted. Emitters need at least one spawner, but can contain multiple spawners with different settings.

    Emits a fixed number of particles per second. It balances and interpolates them and is stable even if the framerate changes or drops. For example, at a rate of 20 particles per second, the spawner spawns one particle every three frames for 60fps games and two particles for every three frames (skipping every third frame) for 30fps games.

    Per frame


    Emits all particles in one burst.



    Emits particles based on other particles (parents). When certain conditions in a parent particle are met, the spawner spawns particles.

    • On Birth - Child particles are spawned once when a parent particle is born (once per parent)
    • On Death - Child particles are spawned once when a parent particle dies (once per parent)
    • Distance - Child particles are spawned per distance traveled as the parent particle moves
    • On Hit - Parent particles need to implement Collision Updater. Child particles are spawned when a parent particle hits the surface.

    See also