Create particles

    To create a particle system, right-click the scene or Entity Tree, select Particle System, and choose a preset (Empty, Simple, Fountain, or Ribbon).

    Game Studio creates an entity with a Transform component and a Particle System component with your chosen preset. Particle entities are represented with a flame icon.

    Alternatively, you can add a particle component to an existing entity. With the entity selected, in the Property Grid, click Add component and select Particle System.

    Add Particle System

    Game Studio adds an empty particle system to the entity.

    Only uniform scaling is supported. If you have a non-uniform scale on the transform component, only the X axis is used.

    If you want two particle systems to share a transform component, create two particle system entities and make one a child of the other.

    With a particle system entity selected, you can edit its properties in the Property Grid, just like any other entity.