Set up animations

After you , you need add them to an entity and play them with a script.


To animate an entity, the entity must have a model component.

  • In the Property Grid, click Add component and choose Animations.

Select an entity

Game Studio adds an animation component to the entity.

  • In the animation component properties, next to Animations, click (Add) to add a new animation to the library.

  • Type a name for the animation and press Enter.


When you play animations using scripts later, you use this name, not the name of the animation asset. To make identification easy, we recommend you give your animation the same name as the animation asset.

  • Click Hand icon (Select an asset).

The Select an asset window opens.

  • Browse to the animation asset you want to add and click OK.

Select an asset

Game Studio adds the animation asset to the entity.

You can add as many animations to the animation component as you need. The Property Grid lists them in alphabetical order.

After you add animations to an entity, you need to play them with a script.

This script looks for an animation with the name Walk under the animation component on the entity.

For more information about creating animation scripts, see .

  • In the Scene Editor, select the entity you want to animate.

Select an entity

  • In the Property Grid, click Add component and choose the animation script you want to add.

Game Studio adds the script as a component. You can adjust public variables you define in the script in the Property Grid under the script component properties.

Select an entity