Misc attributes

    Under the Occlusion properties, you can set an occlusion map. This is the default occlusion attribute. The occlusion map use geometry occlusion information baked into a texture to modulate the ambient and direct lighting.


    The screenshots below demonstrate the use of occlusion maps and cavity maps:

    The additive transparency takes into account the diffuse and diffuse/emissive alpha.

    • If the Alpha property is less than 0.5, only the specular highlights are visible. The material itself is completely invisible.

    Alpha = 0.25Alpha = 0.5media/material-attributes-48.pngWe only see the specular highlight in additive modeTransparency is fully additive. Specular highlights at maximum

    • If the Alpha <= 1.0, the material is semi-opaque with the diffuse/emissive component. If the diffuse component has an alpha, it's transparent.

    Alpha = 0.75Alpha = 1.0media/material-attributes-50.pngSpecular highlights, diffuse with alpha and semi-opaque diffuseSpecular highlights, diffuse with alpha and opaque diffuse


    The following screenshots show the influence of the cutoff Alpha value.

    Clear-coat shading uses physically-based rendering to simulate vehicle paint.