For instance, let’s talk about something that is critically important for autonomous vehicles: localizing objects in a picture. If a self-driving car doesn’t know where a pedestrian is, then it doesn’t know how to avoid one! Creating a model that can recognize the content of every individual pixel in an image is called segmentation. Here is how we can train a segmentation model with fastai, using a subset of the from the paper “Semantic Object Classes in Video: A High-Definition Ground Truth Database” by Gabruel J. Brostow, Julien Fauqueur, and Roberto Cipolla:

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    We can visualize how well it achieved its task, by asking the model to color-code each pixel of an image. As you can see, it nearly perfectly classifies every pixel in every object. For instance, notice that all of the cars are overlaid with the same color and all of the trees are overlaid with the same color (in each pair of images, the lefthand image is the ground truth label and the right is the prediction from the model):

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    One other area where deep learning has dramatically improved in the last couple of years is natural language processing (NLP). Computers can now generate text, translate automatically from one language to another, analyze comments, label words in sentences, and much more. Here is all of the code necessary to train a model that can classify the sentiment of a movie review better than anything that existed in the world just five years ago:

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