Engine custom workflow

    Both engine are open sourced on github. You can access them by:

    We recommend that you use github’s fork workflow to maintain your own custom repository. Please read . Refer to github help for more github related workflows.

    If you only need to customize the game engine for web platform publishing, or only need to modify logic layer(such as UI system, animation system), then you just follow the process to modify the JS engine on it.

    First you need to clone the Creator-JS engine repo (or your fork) from github. According to the different version of the Creator, you also need to checkout different branches, such as Creator 1.1.2 corresponds to the engine v1.1 branch. Clone the repo to any local path, then in the command line tool enter the following commands.

    Install compilation dependencies


    To compile the engine source code into the directory.

    Use the custom engine in Cocos Creator

    You can specify your custom engine path in Native Develop tab of Preferences panel. You can find more details in .

    If you need to customize the rendering and native interface related engine function, you need to simultaneously modify the JS engine and Cocos2d-x-lite C++ engine. Note that the Cocos2d-x-lite engine used by Cocos Creator is specifically tailored and needs to be downloaded from the github repository specified above.

    After downloading or cloning the engine repository, go to the engine path with the command line tool and execute:

    Use the custom engine in Cocos Creator

    You can specify your custom engine path in Native Develop tab of Preferences panel. You can find more details in native develop.

    Then you can customize the Cocos2d-x-lite engine. Since the editor only compile C++ engine code during building process, once finish modifying engine you can open Build panel and select template and start building and compiling.

    Compile precompiled libraries and simulators

    If you want to use the precompiled library template to speed up the compilation process in the Build panel, you need to do this under the Cocos2d-x-lite engine path:

    If you need to synchronize changes in the JavaScript engine and C++ engine, you should complete the JSB binding. Please refer to the following guidance: