Locality weighted distribution

    Before proceeding, be sure to complete the steps under before you begin.

    In this task, you will use the pod in region1 zone1 as the source of requests to the HelloWorld service. You will configure Istio with the following distribution across localities:

    • Outlier detection for the HelloWorld service. This is required in order for distribution to function properly. In particular, it configures the sidecar proxies to know when endpoints for a service are unhealthy.

    • for the service as described in the table above.

    1. "$(kubectl get pod --context="${CTX_R1_Z1}" -n sample -l \
    2. app=sleep -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')" \

    Repeat this a number of times and verify that the number of replies for each pod match the expected percentage in the table at the top of this guide.

    Congratulations! You successfully configured locality distribution!