
    Generate the autocompletion script for pilot-discovery for the specified shell. See each sub-command’s help for details on how to use the generated script.

    —vklog <Level>number for the log level verbosity. Like -v flag. ex: —vklog=9 (default 0)

    pilot-discovery completion bash

    Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.

    This script depends on the ‘bash-completion’ package. If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS’s package manager.

    To load completions in your current shell session:

    source <(pilot-discovery completion bash)

    To load completions for every new session, execute once:

    #### Linux:

    pilot-discovery completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/pilot-discovery

    #### macOS:

    pilot-discovery completion bash > $(brew —prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/pilot-discovery

    You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

    —no-descriptionsdisable completion descriptions
    —vklog <Level>number for the log level verbosity. Like -v flag. ex: —vklog=9 (default 0)

    pilot-discovery completion fish

    To load completions in your current shell session:

    pilot-discovery completion fish | source

    To load completions for every new session, execute once:

    pilot-discovery completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/pilot-discovery.fish

    You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

    1. pilot-discovery completion fish [flags]

    Generate the autocompletion script for powershell.

    To load completions in your current shell session:

    pilot-discovery completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

    To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command to your powershell profile.

    —no-descriptionsdisable completion descriptions
    —vklog <Level>number for the log level verbosity. Like -v flag. ex: —vklog=9 (default 0)

    pilot-discovery completion zsh

    Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell.

    If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once:

    To load completions in your current shell session:

    source <(pilot-discovery completion zsh); compdef _pilot-discovery pilot-discovery

    To load completions for every new session, execute once:

    #### Linux:

    pilot-discovery completion zsh > “${fpath[1]}/_pilot-discovery”

    #### macOS:

    pilot-discovery completion zsh > $(brew —prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_pilot-discovery

    You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

      —no-descriptionsdisable completion descriptions
      —vklog <Level>number for the log level verbosity. Like -v flag. ex: —vklog=9 (default 0)

      pilot-discovery discovery

      Start Istio proxy discovery service.

      Makes an HTTP request to Pilot metrics/debug endpoint

      1. pilot-discovery request <method> <path> [<body>] [flags]
      —vklog <Level>number for the log level verbosity. Like -v flag. ex: —vklog=9 (default 0)

      pilot-discovery version

      Prints out build version information

      —output <string>-oOne of ‘yaml’ or ‘json’. (default `)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--short</code></td><td><code>-s</code></td><td>Use --short=false to generate full version information</td></tr><tr><td><code>--vklog &lt;Level&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>number for the log level verbosity. Like -v flag. ex: --vklog=9 (default0`)

      Environment variables

      Metric NameTypeDescription
      auto_registration_deletes_totalSumTotal number of auto registration cleaned up by periodic timer.
      auto_registration_errors_totalSumTotal number of auto registration errors.
      auto_registration_success_totalSumTotal number of successful auto registrations.
      auto_registration_unregister_totalSumTotal number of unregistrations.
      auto_registration_updates_totalSumTotal number of auto registration updates.
      citadel_server_authentication_failure_countSumThe number of authentication failures.
      citadel_server_cert_chain_expiry_timestampLastValueThe unix timestamp, in seconds, when Citadel cert chain will expire. A negative time indicates the cert is expired.
      citadel_server_csr_countSumThe number of CSRs received by Citadel server.
      citadel_server_csr_parsing_err_countSumThe number of errors occurred when parsing the CSR.
      citadel_server_csr_sign_err_countSumThe number of errors occurred when signing the CSR.
      citadel_server_id_extraction_err_countSumThe number of errors occurred when extracting the ID from CSR.
      citadel_server_root_cert_expiry_timestampLastValueThe unix timestamp, in seconds, when Citadel root cert will expire. A negative time indicates the cert is expired.
      citadel_server_success_cert_issuance_countSumThe number of certificates issuances that have succeeded.
      controller_sync_errors_totalSumTotal number of errorMetric syncing controllers.
      endpoint_no_podLastValueEndpoints without an associated pod.
      galley_validation_config_delete_errorCountk8s webhook configuration delete error
      galley_validation_config_loadCountk8s webhook configuration (re)loads
      galley_validation_config_load_errorCountk8s webhook configuration (re)load error
      galley_validation_config_update_errorCountk8s webhook configuration update error
      galley_validation_config_updatesCountk8s webhook configuration updates
      galley_validation_failedSumResource validation failed
      galley_validation_http_errorSumResource validation http serve errors
      galley_validation_passedSumResource is valid
      istio_buildLastValueIstio component build info
      istiod_managed_clustersLastValueNumber of clusters managed by istiod
      num_outgoing_retriesSumNumber of outgoing retry requests (e.g. to a token exchange server, CA, etc.)
      pilot_conflict_inbound_listenerLastValueNumber of conflicting inbound listeners.
      pilot_conflict_outbound_listener_http_over_current_tcpLastValueNumber of conflicting wildcard http listeners with current wildcard tcp listener.
      pilot_conflict_outbound_listener_tcp_over_current_httpLastValueNumber of conflicting wildcard tcp listeners with current wildcard http listener.
      pilot_conflict_outbound_listener_tcp_over_current_tcpLastValueNumber of conflicting tcp listeners with current tcp listener.
      pilot_destrule_subsetsLastValueDuplicate subsets across destination rules for same host
      pilot_duplicate_envoy_clustersLastValueDuplicate envoy clusters caused by service entries with same hostname
      pilot_eds_no_instancesLastValueNumber of clusters without instances.
      pilot_endpoint_not_readyLastValueEndpoint found in unready state.
      pilot_inbound_updatesSumTotal number of updates received by pilot.
      pilot_jwks_resolver_network_fetch_fail_totalSumTotal number of failed network fetch by pilot jwks resolver
      pilot_jwks_resolver_network_fetch_success_totalSumTotal number of successfully network fetch by pilot jwks resolver
      pilot_k8s_cfg_eventsSumEvents from k8s config.
      pilot_k8s_endpoints_pending_podLastValueNumber of endpoints that do not currently have any corresponding pods.
      pilot_k8s_endpoints_with_no_podsSumEndpoints that does not have any corresponding pods.
      pilot_k8s_reg_eventsSumEvents from k8s registry.
      pilot_no_ipLastValuePods not found in the endpoint table, possibly invalid.
      pilot_proxy_convergence_timeDistributionDelay in seconds between config change and a proxy receiving all required configuration.
      pilot_proxy_queue_timeDistributionTime in seconds, a proxy is in the push queue before being dequeued.
      pilot_push_triggersSumTotal number of times a push was triggered, labeled by reason for the push.
      pilot_pushcontext_init_secondsDistributionTotal time in seconds Pilot takes to init pushContext.
      pilot_sds_certificate_errors_totalSumTotal number of failures to fetch SDS key and certificate.
      pilot_servicesLastValueTotal services known to pilot.
      pilot_total_rejected_configsSumTotal number of configs that Pilot had to reject or ignore.
      pilot_total_xds_internal_errorsSumTotal number of internal XDS errors in pilot.
      pilot_total_xds_rejectsSumTotal number of XDS responses from pilot rejected by proxy.
      pilot_virt_servicesLastValueTotal virtual services known to pilot.
      pilot_vservice_dup_domainLastValueVirtual services with dup domains.
      pilot_xdsLastValueNumber of endpoints connected to this pilot using XDS.
      pilot_xds_cds_rejectLastValuePilot rejected CDS configs.
      pilot_xds_config_size_bytesDistributionDistribution of configuration sizes pushed to clients
      pilot_xds_delayed_push_timeouts_totalSumTotal number of XDS pushes that are delayed and timed out
      pilot_xds_delayed_pushes_totalSumTotal number of XDS pushes that are delayed.
      pilot_xds_eds_rejectLastValuePilot rejected EDS.
      pilot_xds_expired_nonceSumTotal number of XDS requests with an expired nonce.
      pilot_xds_lds_rejectLastValuePilot rejected LDS.
      pilot_xds_push_context_errorsSumNumber of errors (timeouts) initiating push context.
      pilot_xds_push_timeDistributionTotal time in seconds Pilot takes to push lds, rds, cds and eds.
      pilot_xds_pushesSumPilot build and send errors for lds, rds, cds and eds.
      pilot_xds_rds_rejectLastValuePilot rejected RDS.
      pilot_xds_send_timeDistributionTotal time in seconds Pilot takes to send generated configuration.
      pilot_xds_write_timeoutSumPilot XDS response write timeouts.
      remote_cluster_sync_timeouts_totalSumNumber of times remote clusters took too long to sync, causing slow startup that excludes remote clusters.
      scrape_failures_totalSumThe total number of failed scrapes.
      scrapes_totalSumThe total number of scrapes.
      sidecar_injection_failure_totalSumTotal number of failed sidecar injection requests.
      sidecar_injection_requests_totalSumTotal number of sidecar injection requests.
      sidecar_injection_skip_totalSumTotal number of skipped sidecar injection requests.
      sidecar_injection_success_totalSumTotal number of successful sidecar injection requests.
      startup_duration_secondsLastValueThe time from the process starting to being marked ready.
      wasm_cache_entriesLastValuenumber of Wasm remote fetch cache entries.
      wasm_cache_lookup_countSumnumber of Wasm remote fetch cache lookups.
      wasm_config_conversion_countSumnumber of Wasm config conversion count and results, including success, no remote load, marshal failure, remote fetch failure, miss remote fetch hint.
      wasm_config_conversion_durationDistributionTotal time in milliseconds istio-agent spends on converting remote load in Wasm config.
      wasm_remote_fetch_countSumnumber of Wasm remote fetches and results, including success, download failure, and checksum mismatch.
      webhook_patch_attempts_totalSumWebhook patching attempts
      webhook_patch_failures_totalSumWebhook patching total failures
      webhook_patch_retries_totalSumWebhook patching retries
      xds_cache_dependent_config_sizeLastValueCurrent size of dependent configs
      xds_cache_evictionsSumTotal number of xds cache evictions.
      xds_cache_readsSumTotal number of xds cache xdsCacheReads.
      LastValueCurrent size of xds cache