Before you begin

    For simplicity, we will assume that there is only a single primary cluster in the mesh. This simplifies the process of configuring the control plane, since changes only need to be applied to one cluster.

    We will deploy several instances of the HelloWorld application as follows:

    Setup for locality load balancing tasks

    This guide assumes that all clusters will be accessed through contexts in the default Kubernetes configuration file. The following environment variables will be used for the various contexts:

    Create the sample namespace

    Add the sample namespace to each cluster:

    1. $ for CTX in "$CTX_PRIMARY" "$CTX_R1_Z1" "$CTX_R1_Z2" "$CTX_R2_Z3" "$CTX_R3_Z4"; \
    2. kubectl --context="$CTX" apply -f sample.yaml; \
    3. done

    Generate the HelloWorld YAML for each locality, using the locality as the version string:

    1. $ for LOC in "region1.zone1" "region1.zone2" "region2.zone3" "region3.zone4"; \
    2. ./@samples/helloworld/ \
    3. --version "$LOC" > "helloworld-${LOC}.yaml"; \
    4. done

    Apply the HelloWorld YAML to the appropriate cluster for each locality:

    1. $ kubectl apply --context="${CTX_R1_Z1}" -n sample \
    2. -f helloworld-region1.zone1.yaml
    1. $ kubectl apply --context="${CTX_R2_Z3}" -n sample \
    2. -f helloworld-region2.zone3.yaml
    1. $ kubectl apply --context="${CTX_R3_Z4}" -n sample \
    2. -f helloworld-region3.zone4.yaml

    Deploy Sleep

    Deploy the application to region1 zone1:

    1. $ kubectl apply --context="${CTX_R1_Z1}" \
    2. -f @samples/sleep/sleep.yaml@ -n sample

    Wait until the HelloWorld pods in each zone are Running:

    1. -l version="region1.zone2"
    3. helloworld-region1.zone2-86f77cd7b-cpxhv 2/2 Running 0 30s
    1. $ kubectl get pod --context="${CTX_R2_Z3}" -n sample -l app="helloworld" \
    2. -l version="region2.zone3"
    4. helloworld-region2.zone3-86f77cd7b-cpxhv 2/2 Running 0 30s
    1. $ kubectl get pod --context="${CTX_R3_Z4}" -n sample -l app="helloworld" \
    2. -l version="region3.zone4"
    3. helloworld-region3.zone4-86f77cd7b-cpxhv 2/2 Running 0 30s

    Congratulations! You successfully configured the system and are now ready to begin the locality load balancing tasks!

    Next steps

    You can now configure one of the following load balancing options: