Huawei Cloud
Huawei offers a managed control plane add-on for the Huawei Cloud Container Engine, which you can use instead of installing Istio manually. Refer to Huawei Application Service Mesh for details and instructions.
Following the to prepare a cluster before manually installing Istio, proceed as follows:
Log in to the CCE console. Choose Dashboard > Buy Cluster to open the Buy Hybrid Cluster page. An alternative way to open that page is to choose Resource Management > Clusters in the navigation pane and click Buy next to Hybrid Cluster.
On the Configure Cluster page, configure cluster parameters. In this example, a majority of parameters retain default values. After the cluster configuration is complete, click Next: Create Node to go to the node creation page.
Istio release has some requirements for the Kubernetes version, select the version according to Istio’s support policy.
The image below shows the GUI where you create and configure the cluster:
Configure Cluster
Now you can install Istio on CCE cluster according to .
Start playing with Istio by trying out the various tasks.