Configuration Status Field

    Istio 1.6 and later provides information about the propagation of configuration changes through the mesh, using the status field of the resource. Status is disabled by default, and can be enabled during install with:

    The status field contains the state of a resource’s configuration with various informational messages, including:

    • The resource’s readiness.
    • How many data plane instances are associated with it.

    For example, the kubectl wait command monitors the status field to determine whether to unblock configuration and resume. For more information, see Wait for Resource Status to Apply Configuration.

    In the output, the status field contains several nested fields with details about the process of propagating configuration changes through the mesh.

    Conditions represent possible states of the resource. The type field of a condition can have the following values:

    • PassedAnalysis
    • Reconciled

    When you apply a configuration, a condition of each of these types is added to the conditions field.

    The status field of the type condition will have a value of True or False depending on whether or not Istio’s background analyzers have detected a problem with your config. If False, the problem(s) will be detailed in the validationMessages field.

    The PassedAnalysis condition is an informational field only. It does not block the application of an invalid configuration. It is possible for the status to indicate that validation failed, but applying the configuration was successful. This means Istio was able to set the new configuration, but the configuration was invalid, likely due to a syntax error or similar problem.

    In case of a validation failure, check the validationMessages field for more information. The validationMessages field has details about the validation process, such as error messages indicating that Istio cannot apply the configuration, and warning or informational messages that did not result in an error.

    For validation message examples, see Configuration Analysis Messages.