Remotely Accessing Telemetry Addons

    Remote access to the telemetry addons can be configured in a number of different ways. This task covers two basic access methods: secure (via HTTPS) and insecure (via HTTP). The secure method is strongly recommended for any production or sensitive environment. Insecure access is simpler to set up, but will not protect any credentials or data transmitted outside of your cluster.

    For both options, first follow these steps:

    1. in your cluster.

      To additionally install the telemetry addons, follow the integrations documentation.

    2. Set up the domain to expose addons. In this example, you expose each addon on a subdomain, such as .

      • If you have an existing domain pointing to the external IP address of istio-ingressgateway (say
      • If you do not have a domain, you may use which will automatically resolve to the IP address provided. This is not recommended for production usage.
      1. $ export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
      2. $ export INGRESS_DOMAIN=${INGRESS_HOST}

    A server certificate is required for secure access. Follow these steps to install and configure server certificates for a domain that you control.

    This option covers securing the transport layer only. You should also configure the telemetry addons to require authentication when exposing them externally.

    1. Set up the certificates. This example uses openssl to self sign.

      1. $ CERT_DIR=/tmp/certs
      2. $ mkdir -p ${CERT_DIR}
      3. $ openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj "/O=example Inc./CN=*.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}" -keyout ${CERT_DIR}/ca.key -out ${CERT_DIR}/ca.crt
      4. $ openssl req -out ${CERT_DIR}/cert.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout ${CERT_DIR}/tls.key -subj "/CN=*.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}/O=example organization"
      5. $ openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -CA ${CERT_DIR}/ca.crt -CAkey ${CERT_DIR}/ca.key -set_serial 0 -in ${CERT_DIR}/cert.csr -out ${CERT_DIR}/tls.crt
      6. $ kubectl create -n istio-system secret tls telemetry-gw-cert --key=${CERT_DIR}/tls.key --cert=${CERT_DIR}/tls.crt
    2. Apply networking configuration for the telemetry addons.

      1. Apply the following configuration to expose Grafana:

        1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
        2. apiVersion:
        3. kind: Gateway
        4. metadata:
        5. name: grafana-gateway
        6. namespace: istio-system
        7. spec:
        8. selector:
        9. istio: ingressgateway
        10. servers:
        11. - port:
        12. number: 443
        13. name: https-grafana
        14. protocol: HTTPS
        15. tls:
        16. mode: SIMPLE
        17. credentialName: telemetry-gw-cert
        18. hosts:
        19. - "grafana.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}"
        20. ---
        21. apiVersion:
        22. kind: VirtualService
        23. metadata:
        24. name: grafana-vs
        25. namespace: istio-system
        26. spec:
        27. hosts:
        28. - "grafana.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}"
        29. gateways:
        30. - grafana-gateway
        31. http:
        32. - route:
        33. - destination:
        34. host: grafana
        35. port:
        36. number: 3000
        37. ---
        38. apiVersion:
        39. kind: DestinationRule
        40. metadata:
        41. name: grafana
        42. namespace: istio-system
        43. spec:
        44. host: grafana
        45. trafficPolicy:
        46. tls:
        47. mode: DISABLE
        48. ---
        49. EOF
        50. created
        51. created
        52. created
      2. Apply the following configuration to expose Kiali:

      3. Apply the following configuration to expose Prometheus:

        1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
        2. apiVersion:
        3. kind: Gateway
        4. metadata:
        5. name: prometheus-gateway
        6. namespace: istio-system
        7. spec:
        8. selector:
        9. istio: ingressgateway
        10. servers:
        11. - port:
        12. number: 443
        13. name: https-prom
        14. protocol: HTTPS
        15. tls:
        16. mode: SIMPLE
        17. credentialName: telemetry-gw-cert
        18. hosts:
        19. - "prometheus.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}"
        20. ---
        21. apiVersion:
        22. kind: VirtualService
        23. metadata:
        24. name: prometheus-vs
        25. namespace: istio-system
        26. spec:
        27. hosts:
        28. - "prometheus.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}"
        29. gateways:
        30. - prometheus-gateway
        31. http:
        32. - route:
        33. - destination:
        34. host: prometheus
        35. port:
        36. number: 9090
        37. ---
        38. apiVersion:
        39. kind: DestinationRule
        40. metadata:
        41. name: prometheus
        42. namespace: istio-system
        43. spec:
        44. host: prometheus
        45. tls:
        46. mode: DISABLE
        47. EOF
        48. created
        49. created
        50. created
      4. Apply the following configuration to expose the tracing service:

        1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
        2. apiVersion:
        3. kind: Gateway
        4. metadata:
        5. name: tracing-gateway
        6. namespace: istio-system
        7. spec:
        8. selector:
        9. istio: ingressgateway
        10. servers:
        11. - port:
        12. number: 443
        13. name: https-tracing
        14. protocol: HTTPS
        15. tls:
        16. mode: SIMPLE
        17. credentialName: telemetry-gw-cert
        18. hosts:
        19. - "tracing.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}"
        20. ---
        21. apiVersion:
        22. kind: VirtualService
        23. metadata:
        24. name: tracing-vs
        25. namespace: istio-system
        26. spec:
        27. hosts:
        28. - "tracing.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}"
        29. gateways:
        30. - tracing-gateway
        31. http:
        32. - route:
        33. - destination:
        34. host: tracing
        35. port:
        36. number: 80
        37. ---
        38. apiVersion:
        39. kind: DestinationRule
        40. metadata:
        41. name: tracing
        42. namespace: istio-system
        43. spec:
        44. host: tracing
        45. trafficPolicy:
        46. tls:
        47. mode: DISABLE
        48. ---
        49. EOF
        50. created
        51. created
        52. created
    3. Visit the telemetry addons via your browser.

      • Kiali: https://kiali.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}
      • Prometheus: https://prometheus.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}
      • Grafana: https://grafana.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}
      • Tracing: https://tracing.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}

    Option 2: Insecure access (HTTP)

    1. Apply networking configuration for the telemetry addons.

      1. Apply the following configuration to expose Grafana:

        1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
        2. apiVersion:
        3. kind: Gateway
        4. metadata:
        5. name: grafana-gateway
        6. namespace: istio-system
        7. spec:
        8. selector:
        9. istio: ingressgateway
        10. servers:
        11. - port:
        12. number: 80
        13. name: http-grafana
        14. protocol: HTTP
        15. hosts:
        16. - "grafana.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}"
        17. ---
        18. apiVersion:
        19. kind: VirtualService
        20. metadata:
        21. name: grafana-vs
        22. namespace: istio-system
        23. spec:
        24. hosts:
        25. - "grafana.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}"
        26. gateways:
        27. - grafana-gateway
        28. http:
        29. - route:
        30. - destination:
        31. host: grafana
        32. port:
        33. number: 3000
        34. ---
        35. apiVersion:
        36. kind: DestinationRule
        37. metadata:
        38. name: grafana
        39. namespace: istio-system
        40. spec:
        41. host: grafana
        42. trafficPolicy:
        43. tls:
        44. mode: DISABLE
        45. ---
        46. EOF
        47. created
        48. created
        49. created
      2. Apply the following configuration to expose Kiali:

      3. Apply the following configuration to expose the tracing service:

        1. $ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
        2. apiVersion:
        3. kind: Gateway
        4. metadata:
        5. name: tracing-gateway
        6. namespace: istio-system
        7. spec:
        8. selector:
        9. istio: ingressgateway
        10. servers:
        11. - port:
        12. number: 80
        13. name: http-tracing
        14. protocol: HTTP
        15. hosts:
        16. - "tracing.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}"
        17. ---
        18. apiVersion:
        19. kind: VirtualService
        20. metadata:
        21. name: tracing-vs
        22. namespace: istio-system
        23. spec:
        24. hosts:
        25. - "tracing.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}"
        26. gateways:
        27. - tracing-gateway
        28. http:
        29. - route:
        30. - destination:
        31. host: tracing
        32. port:
        33. number: 80
        34. ---
        35. apiVersion:
        36. kind: DestinationRule
        37. metadata:
        38. name: tracing
        39. namespace: istio-system
        40. spec:
        41. host: tracing
        42. trafficPolicy:
        43. tls:
        44. mode: DISABLE
        45. ---
        46. EOF
        47. created
        48. created
        49. created
    2. Visit the telemetry addons via your browser.

      • Kiali: http://kiali.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}
      • Prometheus: http://prometheus.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}
      • Grafana: http://grafana.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}
      • Tracing: http://tracing.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}


    • Remove all related Gateways:

      1. $ kubectl -n istio-system delete gateway grafana-gateway kiali-gateway prometheus-gateway tracing-gateway
      2. "grafana-gateway" deleted
      3. "kiali-gateway" deleted
      4. "prometheus-gateway" deleted
      5. "tracing-gateway" deleted
    • Remove all related Destination Rules:

      1. $ kubectl -n istio-system delete destinationrule grafana kiali prometheus tracing
      2. "grafana" deleted
      3. "kiali" deleted
      4. "tracing" deleted