Configure Istio Ingress Gateway

    1. Store the name of your namespace in the environment variable. You will need it to recognize your microservices in the logs:

    2. Create an environment variable for the hostname of the Istio ingress gateway:

      1. $ export MY_INGRESS_GATEWAY_HOST=istio.$
      2. $ echo $MY_INGRESS_GATEWAY_HOST
    3. Configure an Istio ingress gateway:

    4. Add the output of this command to your /etc/hosts file:

    5. Paste the output of the following command in your browser address bar:

      1. $ echo http://$MY_INGRESS_GATEWAY_HOST:$INGRESS_PORT/productpage
    6. Simulate real-world user traffic to your application by setting an infinite loop in a new terminal window:

    7. At this point you can stop sending requests through the Kubernetes Ingress and use Istio Ingress Gateway only. Stop the infinite loop (Ctrl-C in the terminal window) you set in the previous steps. In a real production environment, you would update the DNS entry of your application to contain the IP of Istio ingress gateway or configure your external Load Balancer.

    8. Delete the Kubernetes Ingress resource:

      1. ingress.extensions "bookinfo" deleted
    9. In a new terminal window, restart the real-world user traffic simulation as described in the previous steps.

    10. Check your graph in the Kiali console. After about a minute, you will see the Istio Ingress Gateway as a single source of traffic for your application.

    You are ready to configure .