Install Istio with an External Control Plane

    External control plane cluster and remote cluster

    Envoy proxies (sidecars and gateways) running in the remote cluster access the external istiod via an ingress gateway which exposes the endpoints needed for discovery, CA, injection, and validation.

    While configuration and management of the external control plane is done by the mesh operator in the external cluster, the first remote cluster connected to an external control plane serves as the config cluster for the mesh itself. The mesh administrator will use the config cluster to configure the mesh resources (gateways, virtual services, etc.) in addition to the mesh services themselves. The external control plane will remotely access this configuration from the Kubernetes API server, as shown in the above diagram.

    This guide requires that you have two Kubernetes clusters with any of the 1.22, 1.23, 1.24, 1.25.

    The first cluster will host the external control plane installed in the namespace. An ingress gateway is also installed in the istio-system namespace to provide cross-cluster access to the external control plane.

    The second cluster is a remote cluster that will run the mesh application workloads. Its Kubernetes API server also provides the mesh configuration used by the external control plane (istiod) to configure the workload proxies.

    API server access

    The Kubernetes API server in the remote cluster must be accessible to the external control plane cluster. Many cloud providers make API servers publicly accessible via network load balancers (NLBs). If the API server is not directly accessible, you will need to modify the installation procedure to enable access. For example, the gateway used in a multicluster configuration could also be used to enable access to the API server.

    The following environment variables will be used throughout to simplify the instructions:

    Set the CTX_EXTERNAL_CLUSTER, CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER, and REMOTE_CLUSTER_NAME now. You will set the others later.

    Mesh operator steps

    A mesh operator is responsible for installing and managing the external Istio control plane on the external cluster. This includes configuring an ingress gateway on the external cluster, which allows the remote cluster to access the control plane, and installing the sidecar injector webhook configuration on the remote cluster so that it will use the external control plane.

    Set up a gateway in the external cluster

    1. Create the Istio install configuration for the ingress gateway that will expose the external control plane ports to other clusters:

      1. $ cat <<EOF > controlplane-gateway.yaml
      2. apiVersion:
      3. kind: IstioOperator
      4. metadata:
      5. namespace: istio-system
      6. spec:
      7. components:
      8. ingressGateways:
      9. - name: istio-ingressgateway
      10. enabled: true
      11. k8s:
      12. service:
      13. ports:
      14. - port: 15021
      15. targetPort: 15021
      16. name: status-port
      17. - port: 15012
      18. targetPort: 15012
      19. name: tls-xds
      20. - port: 15017
      21. targetPort: 15017
      22. name: tls-webhook
      23. EOF

      Then, install the gateway in the istio-system namespace of the external cluster:

      1. $ istioctl install -f controlplane-gateway.yaml --context="${CTX_EXTERNAL_CLUSTER}"
    2. Run the following command to confirm that the ingress gateway is up and running:

      1. $ kubectl get po -n istio-system --context="${CTX_EXTERNAL_CLUSTER}"
      3. istio-ingressgateway-9d4c7f5c7-7qpzz 1/1 Running 0 29s
      4. istiod-68488cd797-mq8dn 1/1 Running 0 38s

      You will notice an istiod deployment is also created in the istio-system namespace. This is used to configure the ingress gateway and is NOT the control plane used by remote clusters.

      This ingress gateway could be configured to host multiple external control planes, in different namespaces on the external cluster, although in this example you will only deploy a single external istiod in the external-istiod namespace.

    3. Configure your environment to expose the Istio ingress gateway service using a public hostname with TLS.

      Set the EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR environment variable to the hostname and SSL_SECRET_NAME environment variable to the secret that holds the TLS certs:

      1. $ export EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR=<your external istiod host>
      2. $ export SSL_SECRET_NAME=<your external istiod secret>

      These instructions assume that you are exposing the external cluster’s gateway using a hostname with properly signed DNS certs as this is the recommended approach in a production environment. Refer to the for more information on exposing a secure gateway.

      Your environment variables should look something like this:

      2. myhost-example-credential

      If you don’t have a DNS hostname but want to experiment with an external control plane in a test environment, you can access the gateway using its external load balancer IP address:

      1. $ export EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR=$(kubectl -n istio-system --context="${CTX_EXTERNAL_CLUSTER}" get svc istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
      2. $ export SSL_SECRET_NAME=NONE

      Doing this will also require a few other changes in the configuration. Make sure to follow all of the related steps in the instructions below.

    Set up the remote config cluster

    1. Use the external profile to configure the remote cluster’s Istio installation. This installs an injection webhook that uses the external control plane’s injector, instead of a locally deployed one. Because this cluster will also serve as the config cluster, the Istio CRDs and other resources that will be needed on the remote cluster are also installed by setting global.configCluster and pilot.configMap to true:

      1. $ cat <<EOF > remote-config-cluster.yaml
      2. apiVersion:
      3. kind: IstioOperator
      4. metadata:
      5. namespace: external-istiod
      6. spec:
      7. profile: external
      8. values:
      9. global:
      10. istioNamespace: external-istiod
      11. configCluster: true
      12. pilot:
      13. configMap: true
      14. istiodRemote:
      15. injectionURL: https://${EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR}:15017/inject/cluster/${REMOTE_CLUSTER_NAME}/net/network1
      16. base:
      17. validationURL: https://${EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR}:15017/validate
      18. EOF

      If your cluster name contains / (slash) characters, replace them with --slash-- in the injectionURL, e.g., injectionURL:``cluster--slash--1``/net/network1.

    2. If you are using an IP address for the EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR, instead of a proper DNS hostname, modify the configuration to specify the discovery address and paths, instead of URLs:

      This is not recommended in a production environment.

      1. $ sed -i'.bk' \
      2. -e "s|injectionURL: https://${EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR}:15017|injectionPath: |" \
      3. -e "/istioNamespace:/a\\
      4. remotePilotAddress: ${EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR}" \
      5. -e '/base/,+1d' \
      6. remote-config-cluster.yaml; rm remote-config-cluster.yaml.bk
    3. Install the configuration on the remote cluster:

      1. $ kubectl create namespace external-istiod --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}"
      2. $ istioctl manifest generate -f remote-config-cluster.yaml --set values.defaultRevision=default | kubectl apply --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}" -f -
      1. $ kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfiguration --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}"
      3. istio-sidecar-injector-external-istiod 4 6m24s
    4. Confirm that the remote cluster’s validation webhook configurations have been installed:

      1. $ kubectl get validatingwebhookconfiguration --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}"
      3. istio-validator-external-istiod 1 6m53s
      4. istiod-default-validator 1 6m53s

    Set up the control plane in the external cluster

    1. Create the external-istiod namespace, which will be used to host the external control plane:

      1. $ kubectl create namespace external-istiod --context="${CTX_EXTERNAL_CLUSTER}"
    2. The control plane in the external cluster needs access to the remote cluster to discover services, endpoints, and pod attributes. Create a secret with credentials to access the remote cluster’s kube-apiserver and install it in the external cluster:

      1. $ kubectl create sa istiod-service-account -n external-istiod --context="${CTX_EXTERNAL_CLUSTER}"
      2. $ istioctl x create-remote-secret \
      3. --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}" \
      4. --type=config \
      5. --namespace=external-istiod \
      6. --service-account=istiod \
      7. --create-service-account=false | \
      8. kubectl apply -f - --context="${CTX_EXTERNAL_CLUSTER}"
    3. Create the Istio configuration to install the control plane in the external-istiod namespace of the external cluster. Notice that istiod is configured to use the locally mounted istio configmap and the SHARED_MESH_CONFIG environment variable is set to istio. This instructs istiod to merge the values set by the mesh admin in the config cluster’s configmap with the values in the local configmap set by the mesh operator, here, which will take precedence if there are any conflicts:

      1. $ cat <<EOF > external-istiod.yaml
      2. apiVersion:
      3. kind: IstioOperator
      4. metadata:
      5. namespace: external-istiod
      6. spec:
      7. profile: empty
      8. meshConfig:
      9. rootNamespace: external-istiod
      10. defaultConfig:
      11. discoveryAddress: $EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR:15012
      12. proxyMetadata:
      13. XDS_ROOT_CA: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
      14. CA_ROOT_CA: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
      15. components:
      16. pilot:
      17. enabled: true
      18. k8s:
      19. overlays:
      20. - kind: Deployment
      21. name: istiod
      22. patches:
      23. - path: spec.template.spec.volumes[100]
      24. value: |-
      25. name: config-volume
      26. configMap:
      27. name: istio
      28. - path: spec.template.spec.volumes[100]
      29. value: |-
      30. configMap:
      31. name: istio-sidecar-injector
      32. value: |-
      33. name: config-volume
      34. mountPath: /etc/istio/config
      35. - path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].volumeMounts[100]
      36. value: |-
      37. name: inject-volume
      38. mountPath: /var/lib/istio/inject
      39. env:
      41. value: ""
      43. value: ""
      44. - name: EXTERNAL_ISTIOD
      45. value: "true"
      47. value: "true"
      48. - name: CLUSTER_ID
      49. value: ${REMOTE_CLUSTER_NAME}
      50. - name: SHARED_MESH_CONFIG
      51. value: istio
      52. values:
      53. global:
      54. caAddress: $EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR:15012
      55. istioNamespace: external-istiod
      56. operatorManageWebhooks: true
      57. configValidation: false
      58. meshID: mesh1
      59. EOF
    4. If you are using an IP address for the EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR, instead of a proper DNS hostname, delete the proxy metadata and update the webhook config environment variables in the configuration:

      This is not recommended in a production environment.

      1. $ sed -i'.bk' \
      2. -e '/proxyMetadata:/,+2d' \
      3. -e '/INJECTION_WEBHOOK_CONFIG_NAME/{n;s/value: ""/value: istio-sidecar-injector-external-istiod/;}' \
      4. -e '/VALIDATION_WEBHOOK_CONFIG_NAME/{n;s/value: ""/value: istio-validator-external-istiod/;}' \
      5. external-istiod.yaml ; rm external-istiod.yaml.bk
    5. Apply the Istio configuration on the external cluster:

      1. $ istioctl install -f external-istiod.yaml --context="${CTX_EXTERNAL_CLUSTER}"
    6. Confirm that the external istiod has been successfully deployed:

    7. Create the Istio Gateway, VirtualService, and DestinationRule configuration to route traffic from the ingress gateway to the external control plane:

      1. $ cat <<EOF > external-istiod-gw.yaml
      2. apiVersion:
      3. kind: Gateway
      4. metadata:
      5. name: external-istiod-gw
      6. namespace: external-istiod
      7. spec:
      8. selector:
      9. istio: ingressgateway
      10. servers:
      11. - port:
      12. number: 15012
      13. protocol: https
      14. name: https-XDS
      15. tls:
      16. mode: SIMPLE
      17. credentialName: $SSL_SECRET_NAME
      18. hosts:
      20. - port:
      21. number: 15017
      22. protocol: https
      23. name: https-WEBHOOK
      24. tls:
      25. mode: SIMPLE
      26. credentialName: $SSL_SECRET_NAME
      27. hosts:
      29. ---
      30. apiVersion:
      31. kind: VirtualService
      32. metadata:
      33. name: external-istiod-vs
      34. namespace: external-istiod
      35. spec:
      36. hosts:
      38. gateways:
      39. - external-istiod-gw
      40. http:
      41. - match:
      42. - port: 15012
      43. route:
      44. - destination:
      45. host: istiod.external-istiod.svc.cluster.local
      46. port:
      47. number: 15012
      48. - match:
      49. - port: 15017
      50. route:
      51. - destination:
      52. host: istiod.external-istiod.svc.cluster.local
      53. port:
      54. number: 443
      55. ---
      56. apiVersion:
      57. kind: DestinationRule
      58. metadata:
      59. name: external-istiod-dr
      60. namespace: external-istiod
      61. spec:
      62. host: istiod.external-istiod.svc.cluster.local
      63. trafficPolicy:
      64. portLevelSettings:
      65. - port:
      66. number: 15012
      67. tls:
      68. mode: SIMPLE
      69. connectionPool:
      70. http:
      71. h2UpgradePolicy: UPGRADE
      72. - port:
      73. number: 443
      74. tls:
      75. mode: SIMPLE
      76. EOF
    8. If you are using an IP address for the EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR, instead of a proper DNS hostname, modify the configuration. Delete the DestinationRule, don’t terminate TLS in the Gateway, and use TLS routing in the VirtualService:

      This is not recommended in a production environment.

      1. $ sed -i'.bk' \
      2. -e '55,$d' \
      3. -e 's/mode: SIMPLE/mode: PASSTHROUGH/' -e '/credentialName:/d' -e "s/${EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR}/\"*\"/" \
      4. -e 's/http:/tls:/' -e 's/https/tls/' -e '/route:/i\
      5. sniHosts:\
      6. - "*"' \
      7. external-istiod-gw.yaml; rm external-istiod-gw.yaml.bk
    9. Apply the configuration on the external cluster:

      1. $ kubectl apply -f external-istiod-gw.yaml --context="${CTX_EXTERNAL_CLUSTER}"

    Now that Istio is up and running, a mesh administrator only needs to deploy and configure services in the mesh, including gateways, if needed.

    Some of the istioctl CLI commands won’t work by default on a remote cluster, although you can easily configure istioctl to make it fully functional. See the for details.

    Deploy a sample application

    1. Create, and label for injection, the sample namespace on the remote cluster:

      1. $ kubectl create --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}" namespace sample
      2. $ kubectl label --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}" namespace sample istio-injection=enabled
    2. Deploy the helloworld (v1) and sleep samples:


      1. $ kubectl apply -f @samples/helloworld/helloworld.yaml@ -l service=helloworld -n sample --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}"
      2. $ kubectl apply -f @samples/helloworld/helloworld.yaml@ -l version=v1 -n sample --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}"
      3. $ kubectl apply -f @samples/sleep/sleep.yaml@ -n sample --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}"
    3. Send a request from the sleep pod to the helloworld service:

      1. $ kubectl exec --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}" -n sample -c sleep \
      2. "$(kubectl get pod --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}" -n sample -l app=sleep -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')" \
      3. -- curl -sS helloworld.sample:5000/hello
      4. Hello version: v1, instance: helloworld-v1-776f57d5f6-s7zfc

    Enable gateways

    Enable an ingress gateway on the remote cluster:

    1. $ cat <<EOF > istio-ingressgateway.yaml
    2. apiVersion:
    3. kind: IstioOperator
    4. spec:
    5. profile: empty
    6. components:
    7. ingressGateways:
    8. - namespace: external-istiod
    9. name: istio-ingressgateway
    10. enabled: true
    11. values:
    12. gateways:
    13. istio-ingressgateway:
    14. injectionTemplate: gateway
    15. EOF
    16. $ istioctl install -f istio-ingressgateway.yaml --set --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}"
    1. $ helm install istio-ingressgateway istio/gateway -n external-istiod --kube-context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}"

    See for in-depth documentation on gateway installation.

    You can optionally enable other gateways as well. For example, an egress gateway:

    1. $ cat <<EOF > istio-egressgateway.yaml
    2. apiVersion:
    3. kind: IstioOperator
    4. spec:
    5. profile: empty
    6. components:
    7. egressGateways:
    8. - namespace: external-istiod
    9. name: istio-egressgateway
    10. enabled: true
    11. values:
    12. gateways:
    13. istio-egressgateway:
    14. injectionTemplate: gateway
    15. EOF
    16. $ istioctl install -f istio-egressgateway.yaml --set --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}"
    1. $ helm install istio-egressgateway istio/gateway -n external-istiod --kube-context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}" --set service.type=ClusterIP

    See Installing Gateways for in-depth documentation on gateway installation.

    Test the ingress gateway

    1. Confirm that the Istio ingress gateway is running:

      1. $ kubectl get pod -l app=istio-ingressgateway -n external-istiod --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}"
      3. istio-ingressgateway-7bcd5c6bbd-kmtl4 1/1 Running 0 8m4s
    2. Expose the helloworld application on the ingress gateway:


      1. $ kubectl apply -f @samples/helloworld/helloworld-gateway.yaml@ -n sample --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}"
    3. Set the GATEWAY_URL environment variable (see [determining the ingress IP and ports](/docs/tasks/traffic-management/ingress/ingress-control/#determining-the-ingress-ip- and-ports) for details):

      1. $ export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n external-istiod --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}" get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
      2. $ export INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n external-istiod --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}" get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].port}')
      1. $ curl -s "http://${GATEWAY_URL}/hello"
      2. Hello version: v1, instance: helloworld-v1-776f57d5f6-s7zfc

    This section shows you how to expand an existing external control plane mesh to multicluster by adding another remote cluster. This allows you to easily distribute services and use location-aware routing and fail over to support high availability of your application.

    External control plane with multiple remote clusters

    Unlike the first remote cluster, the second and subsequent clusters added to the same external control plane do not provide mesh config, but instead are only sources of endpoint configuration, just like remote clusters in a primary-remote Istio multicluster configuration.

    To proceed, you’ll need another Kubernetes cluster for the second remote cluster of the mesh. Set the following environment variables to the context name and cluster name of the cluster:

    1. $ export CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER=<your second remote cluster context>
    2. $ export SECOND_CLUSTER_NAME=<your second remote cluster name>

    Register the new cluster

    1. Create the remote Istio install configuration, which installs the injection webhook that uses the external control plane’s injector, instead of a locally deployed one:

    2. If you are using an IP address for the EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR, instead of a proper DNS hostname, modify the configuration to specify the discovery address and path, instead of an injection URL:

      This is not recommended in a production environment.

      1. $ sed -i'.bk' \
      2. -e "s|injectionURL: https://${EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR}:15017|injectionPath: |" \
      3. -e "/istioNamespace:/a\\
      4. remotePilotAddress: ${EXTERNAL_ISTIOD_ADDR}" \
      5. second-remote-cluster.yaml; rm second-remote-cluster.yaml.bk
    3. Create and annotate the system namespace on the remote cluster:

      1. $ kubectl create namespace external-istiod --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}"
      2. $ kubectl annotate namespace external-istiod "${REMOTE_CLUSTER_NAME}" --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}"

      The annotation specifies the cluster ID of the external control plane that should manage this remote cluster. Notice that this is the name of the first remote (config) cluster, which was used to set the cluster ID of the external control plane when it was installed in the external cluster earlier.

    4. Install the configuration on the remote cluster:

      1. $ istioctl manifest generate -f second-remote-cluster.yaml | kubectl apply --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}" -f -
    5. Confirm that the remote cluster’s injection webhook configuration has been installed:

      1. $ kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfiguration --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}"
      3. istio-sidecar-injector-external-istiod 4 4m13s
    6. Create a secret with credentials to allow the control plane to access the endpoints on the second remote cluster and install it:

      1. $ istioctl x create-remote-secret \
      2. --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}" \
      3. --name="${SECOND_CLUSTER_NAME}" \
      4. --type=remote \
      5. --namespace=external-istiod \
      6. --create-service-account=false | \
      7. kubectl apply -f - --context="${CTX_EXTERNAL_CLUSTER}"

      Note that unlike the first remote cluster of the mesh, which also serves as the config cluster, the --type argument is set to remote this time, instead of config.

    1. Deploy east-west gateways on both remote clusters:

      1. $ @samples/multicluster/ \
      2. --mesh mesh1 --cluster "${REMOTE_CLUSTER_NAME}" --network network1 > eastwest-gateway-1.yaml
      3. $ istioctl manifest generate -f eastwest-gateway-1.yaml \
      4. --set | \
      5. kubectl apply --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}" -f -


      1. $ @samples/multicluster/ \
      2. --mesh mesh1 --cluster "${SECOND_CLUSTER_NAME}" --network network2 > eastwest-gateway-2.yaml
      3. $ istioctl manifest generate -f eastwest-gateway-2.yaml \
      4. --set | \
      5. kubectl apply --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}" -f -
    2. Wait for the east-west gateways to be assigned external IP addresses:

      1. $ kubectl --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}" get svc istio-eastwestgateway -n external-istiod
      3. istio-eastwestgateway LoadBalancer ... 51s
      1. $ kubectl --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}" get svc istio-eastwestgateway -n external-istiod
      3. istio-eastwestgateway LoadBalancer ... 51s
    3. Expose services via the east-west gateways:

      1. $ kubectl --context="${CTX_REMOTE_CLUSTER}" apply -n external-istiod -f \
      2. @samples/multicluster/expose-services.yaml@

    Validate the installation

    1. Create, and label for injection, the sample namespace on the remote cluster:

      1. $ kubectl create --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}" namespace sample
      2. $ kubectl label --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}" namespace sample istio-injection=enabled
    2. Deploy the helloworld (v2) and sleep samples:


      1. $ kubectl apply -f @samples/helloworld/helloworld.yaml@ -l service=helloworld -n sample --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}"
      2. $ kubectl apply -f @samples/helloworld/helloworld.yaml@ -l version=v2 -n sample --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}"
      3. $ kubectl apply -f @samples/sleep/sleep.yaml@ -n sample --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}"
    3. Wait a few seconds for the helloworld and sleep pods to be running with sidecars injected:

      1. $ kubectl get pod -n sample --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}"
      3. helloworld-v2-54df5f84b-9hxgw 2/2 Running 0 10s
      4. sleep-557747455f-wtdbr 2/2 Running 0 9s
    4. Send a request from the sleep pod to the helloworld service:

      1. $ kubectl exec --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}" -n sample -c sleep \
      2. "$(kubectl get pod --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}" -n sample -l app=sleep -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')" \
      3. -- curl -sS helloworld.sample:5000/hello
      4. Hello version: v2, instance: helloworld-v2-54df5f84b-9hxgw
    5. Confirm that when accessing the helloworld application several times through the ingress gateway, both version v1 and v2 are now being called:

      1. $ for i in {1..10}; do curl -s "http://${GATEWAY_URL}/hello"; done
      2. Hello version: v1, instance: helloworld-v1-776f57d5f6-s7zfc
      3. Hello version: v2, instance: helloworld-v2-54df5f84b-9hxgw
      4. Hello version: v1, instance: helloworld-v1-776f57d5f6-s7zfc
      5. Hello version: v2, instance: helloworld-v2-54df5f84b-9hxgw
      6. ...

    Clean up the external control plane cluster:

    1. $ kubectl delete -f external-istiod-gw.yaml --context="${CTX_EXTERNAL_CLUSTER}"
    2. $ istioctl uninstall -y --purge --context="${CTX_EXTERNAL_CLUSTER}"
    3. $ kubectl delete ns istio-system external-istiod --context="${CTX_EXTERNAL_CLUSTER}"
    4. $ rm controlplane-gateway.yaml external-istiod.yaml external-istiod-gw.yaml

    Clean up the optional second remote cluster if you installed it:

    1. $ kubectl delete ns sample --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}"
    2. $ istioctl manifest generate -f second-remote-cluster.yaml | kubectl delete --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}" -f -
    3. $ kubectl delete ns external-istiod --context="${CTX_SECOND_CLUSTER}"