Getting started with Grafana

    Grafana can be installed on many different operating systems. For a list of the minimum hardware and software requirements, as well as instructions on installing Grafana, refer to .

    1. Open your web browser and go to . The default HTTP port that Grafana listens to is unless you have configured a different port.
    2. On the login page, enter for username and password.
    3. Click OK on the prompt, then change your password.

    Note: We strongly recommend that you follow Grafana’s best practices and change the default administrator password. Don’t forget to record your credentials!

    To create your first dashboard:

    1. Click the + icon on the side menu.
    2. On the dashboard, click Add an empty panel.
    3. In the New dashboard/Edit panel view, go to the Query tab.
    4. Configure your by selecting from the data source selector. This generates the Random Walk dashboard.
    5. Click the Save icon in the top right corner of your screen to save the dashboard.
    6. Add a descriptive name, and then click Save.

    Continue to experiment with what you have built, try the explore workflow or another visualization feature. Refer to for a list of supported data sources and instructions on how to add a data source. The following topics will be of interest to you:

    The following topics are of interest to Grafana server admin users: