Create a Cortex or Loki managed recording rule
For Cortex and Loki data sources to work with Grafana 8.0 alerting, enable the ruler API by configuring their respective services.
Loki - The rule storage type, default for the Loki data source, supports only viewing of rules. To edit rules, configure one of the other rule storage types.
Cortex - When configuring a Grafana Prometheus data source to point to Cortex, use the legacy prefix, not . Currently, we support only single-binary mode and you cannot provide a separate URL for the ruler API.
Add a Cortex or Loki managed recording rule
- In the Grafana menu, click the Alerting (bell) icon to open the Alerting page listing existing alerts.
- Click New alert rule.
In Step 1, add the rule name, type, and storage location.
- From the Rule type drop-down, select Cortex / Loki managed alert.
- From the Select data source drop-down, select an external Prometheus, an external Loki, or a Grafana Cloud data source.
- From the Namespace drop-down, select an existing rule namespace. Otherwise, click Add new and enter a name to create a new one. Namespaces can contain one or more rule groups and only have an organizational purpose.
From the Group drop-down, select an existing group within the selected namespace. Otherwise, click Add new and enter a name to create a new one. Newly created rules are appended to the end of the group. Rules within a group are run sequentially at a regular interval, with the same evaluation time.
In Step 3, add additional metadata associated with the rule.
- Add a description and summary to customize alert messages. Use the guidelines in .
- Add Runbook URL, panel, dashboard, and alert IDs.
- Add custom labels.
- Click Save to save the rule or Save and exit to save the rule and go back to the Alerting page.