Data link variables

    To see a list of available variables, type in the data link URL field to see a list of variables that you can use.

    These variables allow you to include the current time range in the data link URL.

    • __url_time_range - current dashboard’s time range (i.e. ?from=now-6h&to=now)
    • $__from and $__to - For more information, refer to .

    Series specific variables are available under __series namespace:

    • - series name to the URL
    • - the name of the field

    Value-specific variables are available under __value namespace:

    • __value.time - value’s timestamp (Unix ms epoch) to the URL (i.e. )
    • __value.raw - raw value
    • __value.numeric - numeric representation of a value
    • __value.text - text representation of a value

    When linking to another dashboard that uses template variables, select variable values for whoever clicks the link.

    If you want to add all of the current dashboard’s variables to the URL, then use __all_variables.