If you are interested in Grafana Enterprise (not Grafana OS), jump to section.

  1. Create a file called , then paste the contents below.

Send manifest to Kubernetes API server

  1. Run the following command: kubectl apply -f grafana.yaml

  2. Check that it worked by running the following: kubectl port-forward service/grafana 3000:3000

Deploy Grafana Enterprise on Kubernetes

The process for deploying Grafana Enterprise is almost identical to the process above, except for some extra steps required to add in your license file. They are described in the following sections.

To run Grafana Enterprise, you need a valid license. Contact a Grafana Labs representative to obtain the license. This topic assumes that you already have done this and have a file. Your license should also be associated with a URL, which we will use later in the topic.

Create License Secret

Create a Kubernetes secret from your license file using the following command:

Create a Grafana configuration file with the name grafana.ini. Then paste the content below.

Create Configmap for Grafana Enterprise Config

Create a Kubernetes Configmap from your grafana.ini file with the following command:

Create a grafana.yaml file, then paste the content below. This YAML is identical to the one for Grafana OS install except for the additional references to the Configmap which has your Grafana configuration file and the Secret that has your license.

  1. Send manifest to Kubernetes API Server

  2. Check that it worked by running the following: kubectl port-forward service/grafana 3000:3000

  3. Use admin for both the username and password to login. If it worked, you should see Enterprise (Licensed) at the bottom of the page.