
    Silences do not prevent alert rules from being evaluated. They also do not stop alert instances being shown in the user interface. Silences only prevent notifications from being created.

    You can configure Grafana managed silences as well as silences for an external Alertmanager data source. For more information, see .

    1. In the Grafana menu, click the Alerting (bell) icon to open the Alerting page listing existing alerts.
    2. In the Alerting page, click Silences to open the page listing existing contact points.
    3. From drop-down, select an external Alertmanager to create and manage silences for the external data source. Otherwise, keep the default option of Grafana.
    4. Click New Silence to open the Create silence page.
    5. Optionally, in Duration, specify how long the silence is enforced. This automatically updates the end time in the Silence start and end field.
    6. In the Name and Value fields, enter one or more Matching Labels. Matchers determine which rules the silence will apply to. For more information, see Label matching for alert suppression.
    7. In Comment, add details about the silence.
    8. In Creator, enter the name of the silence owner or keep the default owner.
    9. Click Create.

    Grafana suppresses notifications only for alerts with labels that match all the “Matching Labels” specified in the silence.

    • The Label field is the name of the label to match. It must exactly match the label name.

    • The Operator field is the operator to match against the label value. The available operators are:

      • : Select labels that are exactly equal to the provided string.
      • =~: Select labels that regex-match the provided string.
      • !~: Select labels that do not regex-match the provided string.
    • The Value field matches against the corresponding value for the specified Label name. How it matches depends on the Operator value.
    1. In the Alerting page, click Silences to view the list of existing silences.
    2. Find the silence you want to edit, then click Edit (pen icon).
    3. Make changes, then click Submit to save your changes.
    1. In the Alerting page, click Silences to view the list of existing silences.
    2. Find the silence you want to end, then click Unsilence.

    When linking to a silence form, provide the default matching labels and comment via matchers and comment query parameters. The parameter requires one more matching labels of the type [label][operator][value] joined by a comma while the operator parameter can be one of the following: = (equals, not regex), != (not equals, not regex), =~ (equals, regex), (not equals, regex).

    For example, to link to silence form with matching labels severity=critical & cluster!~europe-.* and comment Silence critical EU alerts, create a URL https://mygrafana/alerting/silence/new?matchers=severity%3Dcritical%2Ccluster!~europe-*&comment=Silence%20critical%20EU%20alert.

    To link to a new silence page for an external Alertmanager, add a alertmanager query parameter with the Alertmanager data source name.