User and Org Preferences API

    • theme - One of: , dark, or an empty string for the default theme
    • homeDashboardId - The numerical :id of a favorited dashboard, default: 0
    • timezone - One of: utc, browser, or an empty string for the default

    Omitting a key will cause the current value to be replaced with the system default value.

    GET /api/user/preferences

    Example Request:

    1. {"theme":"","homeDashboardId":0,"timezone":""}

    PUT /api/user/preferences

    Example Request:

    Example Response:

    1. HTTP/1.1 200
    2. Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
    3. {"message":"Preferences updated"}

    Example Request:

    Example Response:

    1. Content-Type: application/json
    2. {"theme":"","homeDashboardId":0,"timezone":""}

    PUT /api/org/preferences

    Example Response:

    1. HTTP/1.1 200
    2. Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
    3. {"message":"Preferences updated"}