Graph stacked time series

    Stacking allows Grafana to display series on top of each other. Be cautious when using stacking in the visualization as it can easily create misleading graphs. You can read more on why stacking may be not the best approach here: Stacked Area Graphs Are Not Your Friend.

    Use the following field settings to configure your series stacking.

    Some field options will not affect the visualization until you click outside of the field option box you are editing or press Enter.

    Turn off series stacking. A series will share the same space in the visualization.


    Enable stacking series on top of each other.

    Stack series in groups

    The stacking group option is only available as an override.

    Stack series in the same group. In the Overrides section:

    1. Create a field override for Stack series option.

    A-series and B-series stacked in group A, C-series, and D-series stacked in group B: