When you have a query that uses a last observation carried forward (locf) function, the query carries forward NULL values by default. If you want the function to ignore NULL values instead, you can set treat_null_as_missing=TRUE
as the second parameter in the query. For example:
Install or upgrade of TimescaleDB Toolkit fails
This occurs if the list of available extensions does not include the version you are trying to upgrade to, and it can occur if the package was not installed correctly in the first place. To correct the problem, install the upgrade package, restart PostgreSQL, verify the version, and then attempt the update again.
If you’re installing Toolkit from a package, check your package manager’s local repository list. Make sure the TimescaleDB repository is available and contains Toolkit. For instructions on adding the TimescaleDB repository, see the installation guides:
Update your local repository list with or
yum update
or .