Benefits of hypertables

In time-series workflows, many inserts and queries are performed on recent data. That is, you’re more likely to insert data from the past day than from 300 days ago. The exact timescales depend on your application.

Because hypertables are partitioned into time-based chunks, the most recent data is all stored in the same chunk. If properly sized, this chunk fits into memory. So, when you insert and query recent data, these operations access data from memory. This improves operation speed, since data doesn’t need to be loaded from disk.


For more information about chunk sizing for improved performance, see the section on chunk sizing.

Though fitting chunks in memory gives the best performance, TimescaleDB doesn’t require it, and works well with larger chunks. TimescaleDB uses least recently used (LRU) caching to choose which indexes and data to keep in memory.

Faster index updates

TimescaleDB builds local indexes on each chunk, rather than global indexes across all data. This ensures that recent data and its indexes both reside in memory. When inserting recent data, index updates remain fast even on large databases.

To learn more, see the section on chunk local indexes.

  • Efficient “deep and narrow” queries. Compared to “wide and shallow” queries, “deep and narrow” queries query data from fewer columns over longer time ranges. Such queries are more common with historical time series data than with recent data. Thus, compression serves best for older chunks.

TimescaleDB can also speed up “deep and narrow” queries by reordering data within a chunk. Most time-series data is inserted in approximate time order. This makes time-based chunks very efficient for insertion of recent data. But this order might be less efficient for some analytical queries of older data. You can reorder chunks to better match your application query patterns.

For example, if you often query older data for a specific device, you can reorder the data by . Each device’s data is written contiguously, making “deep and narrow” scans faster.

Easy data retention and tiering

In many time series applications, you only want to store raw data for a period of time. After that, you might delete the data to save on storage, to comply with data retention regulations, or for other reasons. You might also want to move older data to less expensive storage.

In TimescaleDB, you can delete entire chunks of data based on time values. For example, you can delete chunks containing data with time values more than 6 months old.

Because deleting a chunk means deleting an entire file from disk, it’s faster than deleting individual rows. Deleting rows requires expensive VACUUM operations to garbage collect and defragment the tables.

You can also automate data deletion by setting data retention policies. To learn more, see the section on .

TimescaleDB supports multi-node architecture for horizontal scaling. Because TimescaleDB uses time chunks, it can add and remove servers without immediately rebalancing data. This differs from traditional database sharding, where some data must be migrated to the new server when you expand a cluster.

Instead, TimescaleDB keeps existing chunks at their current locations. When it adds new chunks for new time intervals, it partitions them across the new set of servers. This eventually balances out inserts without incurring the costs of immediate data migration.

The TimescaleDB planner handles queries seamlessly as partitions change. Behind the scenes, it keeps track of where each chunk is stored.

To fine-tune server rebalancing, you can asynchronously migrate chunks. Or, you can delete older data by using data retention policies. Older data is partitioned according to the older server setup, while newer data is partitioned according to the newer setup. So data retention eventually rebalances data across your servers.

For more information, see the and data retention sections.

Data replication

In addition to migrating chunks, you can also replicate chunks across nodes. This allows you to:

  • Increase availability with multiple replicas
  • Recover from node failure or primary server outage