Migrate a continuous aggregate to the new form

To migrate a continuous aggregate from the old format to the new format, you can use this procedure. It automatically copies over your data and policies. You can continue to use the continuous aggregate while the migration is happening.

Connect to your database and run:


The migration procedure provides two boolean configuration parameters, override and . By default, the name of your new continuous aggregate is the name of your old continuous aggregate, with the suffix _new.

Set override to true to rename your new continuous aggregate with the original name. The old continuous aggregate is renamed with the suffix _old.

To check the progress of the continuous aggregate migration, query the migration planning table:

You might get a permissions error when migrating a continuous aggregate from old to new format using cagg_migrate. The user performing the migration must have the following permissions:

  • Usage permissions on the sequence _timescaledb_catalog.continuous_agg_migrate_plan_step_step_id_seq