Upgrade Promscale

The process for upgrading your Promscale installation is:

  1. Check that the most recent required versions of PostgreSQL, TimescaleDB and the Promscale extension are available.
  2. Stop all Promscale Connector instances connected to the database.
  3. Start all other Promscale Connector instances.

You can upgrade your existing Promscale to Promscale and from the previous Alpine docker image.

Promscale 0.11.0 contains significant changes, and the upgrade drops any previous tracing data you have stored. Make a backup of your installation, and test the new version, before you go ahead with this upgrade.

Upgrading to Promscale 0.11.0 could take up to 5-10 minutes on very large databases. During the upgrade, Promscale does not ingest or query data.

The upgrade process modifies a lot of database objects. On large deployments, you might need to increase the PostgreSQL max_locks_per_transaction parameter before you start the upgrade. For more information, see Transaction locks.


When you upgrade to Promscale 0.11.0, all previous tracing data is dropped. Make a backup of your installation, and test the new version before you upgrade.

To upgrade to Promscale 0.11.0 you must have installed PostgreSQL 12 or later, TimescaleDB 2.6.1 or later, and Promscale extension version 0.5.0 or later.

  1. Check the version of PostgreSQL that is installed:

  2. Check the version of TimescaleDB and Promscale that is installed:

    1. SELECT extname, extversion FROM pg_extension WHERE extname IN ('timescaledb', 'promscale');

    For information about upgrading TimescaleDB and PostgreSQL, see and Upgrade PostgreSQL.

  3. Stop all Promscale Connector instances connected to the database.

  4. note

    Do not use the ALTER EXTENSION promscale UPDATE; command. to update the extension.

  5. Start one instance with the latest version of the Promscale Connector. The migration happens automatically. After the migration is completed, upgrade the remaining Promscale Connector instances.

  6. Start the other instances of Promscale Connector.

Upgrading to Promscale 0.11.0 creates a lock on your tables. If you have been using Promscale for a while, and you have a large number of metrics, this could result in locking a large number of tables. If PostgreSQL has not been correctly configured for this, the process could fail with an error similar to:

This error occurs because PostgreSQL has a limited amount of shared memory available to store locks on objects. You can increase the amount of shared memory available by increasing the parameter. When you have completed the upgrade, you can set the value back to what it was before then upgrade. For more information about tuning this parameter, see troubleshooting Promscale.

You can upgrade from the previous alpine image on Docker or Kubernetes.

Upgrading from the previous alpine image on Docker

Previously, the recommended image was located at . It was based on the Alpine docker image for PostgreSQL.

The previous Alpine-based image are updated and supported until the end of 2022 but you are encouraged to migrate to the timescale/timescaledb-ha. All new installations should switch to the timescale/timescaledb-haimage.


Migrating to Debian version can be a lengthy process and involves downtime.

  1. Use docker inspect to determine the data volumes used by your database for the data directory.

  2. Shut down all Promscale Connectors.

  3. Change ownership of the data directory to the user and group in the new image. For example:

    1. docker run -v <data_dir_volume_mount>:/var/lib/postgresql/data timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg14-latest chown -R postgres:postgres /var/lib/postgresql/data
  4. Start the new Docker container with the same volume mounts that the original container used.

  5. Connect to the new database using psql and reindex all the collatable data. Use this query to reindex all the necessary indexes:

    This is necessary because the collation in the Alpine image is broken and so BTREE-based indexes remain incorrect until they are reindexed. It is extremely important to execute this step before ingesting new data to avoid data corruption. This process can take a long time depending on the indexed textual data in the database.

  6. Restart the Promscale Connector

If you are using Kubernetes instead of plain Docker:

  1. Shutdown the Promscale Connector pods

  2. Change the database pod to use the Debian Docker image.

  3. Restart the pod.

  4. Change ownership of the data directory to the postgres user and group in the new image by ssh into the database container. For example:

    1. chown -R postgres:postgres /var/lib/postgresql/data