Custom TimescaleDB dashboards
This tutorial shows you how to build a custom visualization that shows how many chunks a hypertable has, the state of the compression for each chunk, and the current total size of the database. The front-end is built in React, and connects to metrics about TimescaleDB using Hasura, a GraphQL service. This tutorial includes:
- Concepts within TimescaleDB that work well for visualization
- How to query TimescaleDB views and functions to get details about hypertables and chunks
- How to generate sample data
- How Hasura can help to stream data through GraphQL subscriptions
- How to build your React front-end to visualize the data
The project uses React, connecting to a Hasura GraphQL API to visualize of a TimescaleDB instance.
The easiest way to get a TimescaleDB instance is to using our hosted service. You can also download TimescaleDB for free and run locally or in your own cloud infrastructure.
You can get the full code for this project from .
This project works on any TimescaleDB instance, but if you’re interested in generating sample data to use, use our Simulating IoT sensor data tutorial.
TimescaleDB uses hypertables to store time-series data. TimescaleDB automatically partitions data in hypertables into smaller child tables called chunks. The chunks represent data for a given time period, which makes it easier to query and manage over time. For example, if you wanted to query data from 10 AM to 11 AM, instead of scanning your entire database, TimescaleDB would scan the specific chunks that contain data for just that period. All the interaction with the database still occurs on the hypertable using SQL, but TimescaleDB partitions the data to make large queries more efficient.
Many features in TimescaleDB rely on chunks, including , data retention, and native . Native compression is particularly helpful with large time-series datasets. Time-series data can be relentless in quantity and speed, and difficult to store and query without a purpose-built time-series database. You can use TimescaleDB compression to save as much as 97% of your disk space for the same amount of data, and usually increase the speed of your queries over time.
Visualizing the state of your hypertables can help you gain a better understanding of how compression works and possibly even how different types impact compression efficiently. Visualization can help you see the results of compression table by table, and chunk by chunk. To do this, TimescaleDB provides multiple views and functions that can be queried for information about the state of your hypertables and chunks. Although there is no combined view that provides exactly the data we need for our visualization, TimescaleDB provides the building blocks to craft a custom SQL query that returns the data needed to better visualize the current hypertable and chunk compression state. For example, this query returns the name and time series range that this chunk covers:
Visualizing tables and chunks
Hypertables that have data spanning massive time periods can have thousands of chunks, so visualizing them effectively is important. To provide a visual perspective of the table, the image area represents the total size of all table data before compression. Each circle represents a chunk, and the area of each circle represents the size of the chunk on disk.
Here’s an example of what this visualization looks like:
With this visualization, you can see a few things at a glance:
- How many chunks are currently part of this hypertable
- The compression state of each chunk
- How much space has been saved by enabling compression on some chunks
By using the uncompressed data size to represent the area of the image, you can quickly get a sense of how much space has been saved by the overall white space across the image. Smaller yellow chunks are compressed and their size represents their portion of space within the larger table, while larger dark chunks are uncompressed and take up more space in the image. You can also make the visualization interactive, so that you can click on a chunk and compress or uncompress it manually.
To build the visualization application, we created some new functions and views to:
- Extract information from chunks, such as name and time range
- Get extra details about which chunks are compressed
- Get compression statistics and fetch the chunk size after compression
To extract information from chunks, you can use the view that the TimescaleDB extension provides.
SELECT hypertable_schema,
FROM timescaledb_information.chunks LIMIT 1;
Sample row vertically output to explore:
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+-----------------------
hypertable_schema | public
hypertable_name | conditions
chunk_name | _hyper_2_2_chunk
range_start | 2021-04-29 00:00:00+00
range_end | 2021-05-06 00:00:00+00
The chunk name returned with the dataset is unique, and can be used in other queries to retrieve enhanced details about each chunk. In this example, the chunk has a range_start
and range_end
that spans one week. As new data is inserted into the table, any data that has a timestamp between 2021-04-29 and 2021-05-06 is stored on this specific chunk for the conditions
Get details about compression status for a chunk
When you know the name and time range of each chunk, you need to get more detail about the compression status and how much disk is being saved by compressing the data. You can get this additional information by querying the chunk_compression_stats
function with the conditions
When the chunk is uncompressed, this query does not show the size of the chunk. To get the size of uncompressed chunks, use the chunks_detailed_size
function, and pass the hypertable name as a parameter:
tsdb=> SELECT * FROM chunks_detailed_size('conditions');
-[ RECORD 1 ]+----------------------
chunk_schema | _timescaledb_internal
chunk_name | _hyper_6_853_chunk
table_bytes | 8192
index_bytes | 40960
toast_bytes | 98304
total_bytes | 147456
You can use the total_bytes
information in this function to see that the chunk is uncompressed.
Building views for our TimescaleDB metrics
Now that you know how to gather all of the data you need to drive the visualization, it’s time to join it together in a view that can be queried using SQL (and eventually, our application).
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW chunks_with_compression AS
SELECT DISTINCT ch.chunk_name,
COALESCE(ccs.before_compression_total_bytes, NULL, cds.total_bytes) AS before_compression_total_bytes,
SELECT hypertable_schema,
FROM timescaledb_information.chunks) AS ch
LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL chunk_compression_stats(ch.hypertable_name::regclass) ccs
ON ch.chunk_name = ccs.chunk_name
LEFT OUTER JOIN LATERAL chunks_detailed_size(ch.hypertable_name::regclass) cds
ON ccs.chunk_schema = cds.chunk_schema
AND ch.chunk_name = cds.chunk_name;
The view is dependent on TimescaleDB internals. You might need to drop the view to upgrade the TimescaleDB extension, and recreate it after the upgrade.
To test, use the name of a random chunk from the hypertable to query this view and check that you get all of the information you need. You should see the time range of the chunk, the hypertable information, and its size before and after compression.
In this example chunk, the before_compression_total_bytes
is ten times bigger than after_compression_total_bytes
. Compression saved more than 90% of disk space!
Setting up your database
In this example, we are using data generated by our Simulating IoT sensor data tutorial. This data results in a simple schema and data that mimics a number of IoT sensors with information on time, device, and temperature.
By following the tutorial, you have a table named conditions
, which stores the temperature of example devices over time.
Use these commands to create the table and generate some sample data:
temperature FLOAT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(time, device)
SELECT * FROM create_hypertable('conditions', 'time', 'device', 3);
INSERT INTO conditions
SELECT time, (random()*30)::int, random()*80 - 40
FROM generate_series(TIMESTAMP '2020-01-01 00:00:00',
TIMESTAMP '2020-01-01 00:00:00' + INTERVAL '1 month',
INTERVAL '1 min') AS time;
When you write a backend application, you need to protect the database and expose only the required information to an authorized user. The Hasura GraphQL Engine does this by providing GraphQL APIs over new or existing PostgreSQL databases. This allows you to create permission rules and dynamically expand your database resources.
When you have your sample database set up, you can use the Hasura cloud to connect the resources that we want to expose through GraphQL. Hasura is a good option because it connects to our TimescaleDB database and quickly exposes the tables, views, and functions you need. For more information about setting up a new data source on Hasura, check out their wizard.
We’re going to use two types of operations:
- Queries and subscriptions: watch a specific query and keep pulling data updates to the client. In this example, you subscribe to the chunks’ metadata.
- Mutation: convention for operations that write data. In this example, you map the compression and decompression actions as mutations.
Hasura can map custom types that come from table structures. To create the necessary mutations, functions need to return types that inherit from table structures. To create a new structure of the table from a query, call the query with limit 0:
Compress chunk mutation
CREATE TABLE compressed_chunk AS
SELECT compress_chunk((c.chunk_schema ||'.' ||c.chunk_name)::regclass)
FROM timescaledb_information.chunks c
WHERE NOT c.is_compressed limit 0;
Hasura needs a function to be tracked as a mutation. Create a function to rewrap the default compress_chunk
from the TimescaleDB extension, and return the “compressed_chunk” in a function that compresses the chunk:
Note that the function adds an extra where
clause so that it does not compress a chunk that is already compressed.
Decompress chunk mutation
You also need a similar function for decompression:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION decompress_chunk_named(varchar) returns setof compressed_chunk AS $$
SELECT decompress_chunk((c.chunk_schema ||'.' ||$1)::regclass)
FROM timescaledb_information.chunks c
WHERE c.is_compressed
AND c.chunk_name = $1 limit 1
The next step is to go to the Hasura cloud and connect the database as a new data source. In the data panel, set up the PostgreSQL URI of your database, and then you can track each function as a query or mutation. This is an example of the compress_chunk_named
function. In our case, the subscription goes to the chunks_with_compression
function. You can also track and compress_chunk_named
as GQL mutations with a single argument.
Build the front-end visualization
For the full code of our front-end application, see our GitHub repo. The front-end application connects to the Hasura GraphQL layer you created, then connects to the TimescaleDB database to retrieve information about chunks and compression status. The front-end application then renders the image for the visualization.
As a summary, the front-end:
- Subscribes to the API with GraphQL
- Creates an SVG component
- Iterates over all the chunks, and adds circles in the previous component
- Styles the circle and adds events to interact with the image
TimescaleDB is a powerful relational database for time-series data, bringing the full spectrum of tools and dashboards available for PostgreSQL.
In this tutorial you learned how to collect hypertables metadata from TimescaleDB internals. Expose it through GraphQL and fetch the data using a React client.
You can get the full code for this project from this GitHub repo.
This tutorial was originally created for HasuraCon 2021.
We hope you find new ways to explore your data and make your decisions smarter and data-driven. If you get any interesting results or have any questions about this tutorial, drop us a line on our community Slack channel.