In this configuration, when Rancher users log in, they will be redirected to the Shibboleth IdP to enter their credentials. After authentication, they will be redirected back to the Rancher UI.

If you also configure OpenLDAP as the back end to Shibboleth, it will return a SAML assertion to Rancher with user attributes that include groups. Then the authenticated user will be able to access resources in Rancher that their groups have permissions for.

This section covers the following topics:

Setting up Shibboleth in Rancher

If your organization uses Shibboleth for user authentication, you can configure Rancher to allow your users to log in using their IdP credentials.

  1. From the Global view, select Security > Authentication from the main menu.

  2. Select Shibboleth.

  3. Complete the Configure Shibboleth Account form. Shibboleth IdP lets you specify what data store you want to use. You can either add a database or use an existing ldap server. For example, if you select your Active Directory (AD) server, the examples below describe how you can map AD attributes to fields within Rancher.

    1. Display Name Field: Enter the AD attribute that contains the display name of users (example: ).

    2. Groups Field: Make entries for managing group memberships (example: memberOf).

    3. Rancher API Host: Enter the URL for your Rancher Server.

    4. Private Key and Certificate: This is a key-certificate pair to create a secure shell between Rancher and your IdP.

      You can generate one using an openssl command. For example:

    5. IDP-metadata: The metadata.xml file that you exported from your IdP server.

  4. After you complete the Configure Shibboleth Account form, click Authenticate with Shibboleth, which is at the bottom of the page.

    Rancher redirects you to the IdP login page. Enter credentials that authenticate with Shibboleth IdP to validate your Rancher Shibboleth configuration.

If you configure Shibboleth without OpenLDAP, the following caveats apply due to the fact that SAML Protocol does not support search or lookup for users or groups.

  • There is no validation on users or groups when assigning permissions to them in Rancher.
  • When adding users, the exact user IDs (i.e. UID Field) must be entered correctly. As you type the user ID, there will be no search for other user IDs that may match.
  • When adding groups, you must select the group from the drop-down that is next to the text box. Rancher assumes that any input from the text box is a user.
  • The group drop-down shows only the groups that you are a member of. You will not be able to add groups that you are not a member of.

To enable searching for groups when assigning permissions in Rancher, you will need to configure a back end for the SAML provider that supports groups, such as OpenLDAP.

Setting up OpenLDAP in Rancher

If you also configure OpenLDAP as the back end to Shibboleth, it will return a SAML assertion to Rancher with user attributes that include groups. Then authenticated users will be able to access resources in Rancher that their groups have permissions for.

Rancher must be configured with a LDAP bind account (aka service account) to search and retrieve LDAP entries pertaining to users and groups that should have access. It is recommended to not use an administrator account or personal account for this purpose and instead create a dedicated account in OpenLDAP with read-only access to users and groups under the configured search base (see below).

Configure the settings for the OpenLDAP server, groups and users. For help filling out each field, refer to the Note that nested group membership is not available for Shibboleth.

  1. Log into the Rancher UI using the initial local account.
  2. From the Global view, navigate to Security > Authentication


If you are experiencing issues while testing the connection to the OpenLDAP server, first double-check the credentials entered for the service account as well as the search base configuration. You may also inspect the Rancher logs to help pinpointing the problem cause. Debug logs may contain more detailed information about the error. Please refer to in this documentation.