Each Benchmark Version defines a set of test configuration files that define the CIS tests to be run by the kube-bench tool. The application installs a few default Benchmark Versions which are listed under CIS Benchmark application menu.

But there could be some Kubernetes cluster setups that require custom configurations of the Benchmark tests. For example, the path to the Kubernetes config files or certs might be different than the standard location where the upstream CIS Benchmarks look for them.

It is now possible to create a custom Benchmark Version for running a cluster scan using the rancher-cis-benchmark application.

Follow all the steps below to add a custom Benchmark Version and run a scan using it.

  1. Add a Custom Benchmark Version to a Cluster
  2. Run a Scan Using the Custom Benchmark Version

To create a custom benchmark version, first you need to create a ConfigMap containing the benchmark version’s config files and upload it to your Kubernetes cluster where you want to run the scan.

To prepare a custom benchmark version ConfigMap, suppose we want to add a custom Benchmark Version named foo.

  1. Create a directory named foo and inside this directory, place all the config YAML files that the tool looks for. For example, here are the config YAML files for a Generic CIS 1.5 Benchmark Version https://github.com/aquasecurity/kube-bench/tree/master/cfg/cis-1.5
  2. Place the complete file, which includes all the components that should be tested.
  3. Upload this directory to your Kubernetes Cluster by creating a ConfigMap:

    1. kubectl create configmap -n <namespace> foo --from-file=<path to directory foo>
  1. Once the ConfigMap has been created in your cluster, navigate to the Cluster Explorer in the Rancher UI.
  2. In the top left dropdown menu, click Cluster Explorer > CIS Benchmark.
  3. In the Benchmark Versions section, click Create.
  4. Enter the Name and a description for your custom benchmark version.
  5. Choose the cluster provider that your benchmark version applies to.
  6. Choose the ConfigMap you have uploaded from the dropdown.
  7. Add the minimum and maximum Kubernetes version limits applicable, if any.

To run a scan using your custom benchmark version, you need to add a new Profile pointing to this benchmark version.

  1. Once the custom benchmark version has been created in your cluster, navigate to the Cluster Explorer in the Rancher UI.
  2. In the top left dropdown menu, click Cluster Explorer > CIS Benchmark.
  3. In the Profiles section, click Create.
  4. Provide a Name and description. In this example, we name it .
  5. Choose the Benchmark Version foo from the dropdown.
  6. Click Create.

Once the Profile pointing to your custom benchmark version foo has been created, you can create a new Scan to run the custom test configs in the Benchmark Version.

  1. Go to the Cluster Explorer in the Rancher UI. In the top left dropdown menu, click Cluster Explorer > CIS Benchmark.
  2. In the Scans section, click Create.
  3. Choose the new cluster scan profile foo-profile.

Result: A report is generated with the scan results. To see the results, click the name of the scan that appears.