For more details about how the Banzai Cloud Logging operator works, see the official documentation.

    The following changes were introduced to logging in Rancher v2.5:

    • The now powers Rancher’s logging solution in place of the former, in-house solution.
    • Fluent Bit is now used to aggregate the logs, and is used for filtering the messages and routing them to the . Previously, only Fluentd was used.
    • We now support filtering logs.
    • We now support writing logs to multiple Outputs.
    • We now always collect Control Plane and etcd logs.

    How the Banzai Cloud Logging Operator Works

    Fluent Bit queries the Kubernetes API and enriches the logs with metadata about the pods, and transfers both the logs and the metadata to Fluentd. Fluentd receives, filters, and transfers logs to multiple Outputs.

    The following custom resources are used to define how logs are filtered and sent to their Outputs:

    • A ClusterFlow is used to route cluster-level log messages.
    • An Output is a namespaced resource that defines where the log messages are sent.
    • A ClusterOutput defines an Output that is available from all and ClusterFlows.

    The following figure from the shows the new logging architecture:

    How the Banzai Cloud Logging Operator Works with Fluentd and Fluent Bit